
Official Publication of the Philippine Information Agency Bicol Regional Office, in cooperation with the RIAC-REDIRAS - RDC Bicol

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ordinance for a smoke free Sorsogon on final reading

by Irma A. Guhit

SORSOGON CITY , June 15 (PIA) -- In the Sanggunian Panlalawigan joint committee hearing here held Friday last week, the ordinance on a Smoke Free Province of Sorsogon was discussed by several member- agencies invited to the meeting.

Hon. Renato D. Guban , principal author , joined in by Hon Eric Ravanilla, member, Committe on Health, Population and Social Services presented to the body the full text of the ordinance for thorough discussion and deliberation.

Several inputs were provided by Dr. Liduvina Dorion, assistant department head of the Sorsogon Provincial Hospital here.

"A lot of money from government hospitals are spent when this public safety problems can be avoided should those smokers quit smoking", she said.

Dr. Dorion spoke in reference to the many smokers who have been confined in the Sorsogon Provincial Hospital. She said some deaths in the hospital were recorded as caused by smoking.

Bacon District Sorsogon City Health Officer Dr. Hazel S. Calleja said that Sorsogon City has already implemented its smoke free ordinance and that those who are smoking specially employees were designated an area where to smoke so as not to affect those who are non-smokers.

Meanwhile Engr. Maribeth Fruto, department head of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources (PENRO) pointed out that the Philippine Clean Air Act was approved in 1999 and not in 2003 as stated in the ordinance and should be corrected/ rectified while The Tobacco Regulation Act was approved on 2003, otherwise known as Republic Act 8749.

The ordinance presented also gave insights on the increasing number of Filipinos each year who die due to tobacco related illness caused by smoking and second smoke due to exposure to smokers.

Children according to Dr. Dorion are also the most vulnerable group exposed to this kind of health hazard and little do parents smoking know that when these children suffer colds , symptoms of intense coughing and primary complex these can be attributed also to exposure to second smoke specially if a member within the household is a smoker.

She also expounded that there is a third smoke attribution, these are the residue that has been left to curtains, table clothes and other materials that can accumulate in places where smoking is done.

Dr. Dorion further stressed that there are a lot of medical practitioners who can now affirm that they have quit smoking and can be best resource on how they could share how they did it.

This ordinance needs to be popularized and given massive information dissemination so that the province of Sorsogon can best become a testimony for good governance practices, according to most of the participants.

This ordinance, according SP member Guban, is a must in the support to the Clean Air Act.

Employees are to report those whom they see are smoking and that they will be reprimanded at first offense. Stipulated also are the penalty violation which according to Guban will be reviewed.(MAL/IAG, PIA Sorsogon)

Renewed anti-rabies campaign set

by Edna A. Bagadiong

VIRAC, Catanduanes, June 15 (PIA)- The Provincial Veterinary's Office invited technicians from the 11 towns to attend two training campaign to eliminate rabies in the province of Catanduanes by 2012.

The Basic Surveillance for LGU Technicians seeks to obtain a comprehensive view of the epidemiological situation of rabies in the community, monitor the trends of rabies, enhance all municipalities for laboratory diagnosis, stress the importance of surveillance in control and elimination of rabies in specific areas and harness the technicians in giving information to the public on rabies cases in all areas.

The said campaign is also expected to improve the techniques and strategies used during the previous campaigns. (MAL/EAB, PIA Catanduanes)

Congressional district office conducts training on beekeeping

by Edna A. Bagadiong

CATANDUANES, June 15 (PIA) -- The Congressional District Office (CDO) of Catanduanes in partnership with the Our Lady's Foundation Inc. sponsored a "Beekeeping Hands-On Training" at last June 8-10, 2011 at the Philippine National Red Cross (NRC) Training Hall in Virac.

Researchers and a trained apiarist (beekeeper) from the Apiculture Center based at the Central Bicol State University of Agriculture gave lectures on beekeeping and conducted actual demonstration of techniques on culturing bees.

Apiculture or honeybee production is one of the thriving industries suited in a tropical climate like the Philippines. It is also used in curing arthritis and fungal infection.

Around 60 participants representing different agencies and municipal governments as well as private individuals and sectoral groups attended the said training. (MAL/EAB, PIA Catanduanes)

Malacanang welcomes reaffirmation of alliance between PHL and U.S. to achieve common aspiration of peace and stability

MANILA (PIA) -- Malacanang has welcomed the reaffirmation of the alliance between the Philippines and the United States (US) made by US Ambassador Harry Thomas as the countries move forward to achieve their common aspiration of peace and stability.

“The strategic partnership between the Philippines and the United States is a positive factor in achieving our, and the ASEAN, aspiration of peace and stability in the region: an aspiration we believe is also shared by all the countries in the region as well,” said Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda in a statement issued on Wednesday at Malacanang.

Lacierda said: “that Philippine government reiterated that peaceful dialogue on a multilateral basis is the best way forward for the Philippines, ASEAN, and all nations with whom we interact.”

Foreign policy under this administration, Lacierda said, has been firm and consistent.

In his inaugural address on June 30, 2010, the President pledged, “We are ready to take our place as a reliable member of the community of nations, a nation serious about its commitments and which harmonizes its national interests with its international responsibilities.”

This was reiterated on September, 2010 when the President said in his statement at the 2nd ASEAN-US Leaders’ Meeting, that, “his administration renews its commitment to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and strongly supports the drafting of a formal code for the South China Sea in which claimants vow to adhere to diplomatic processes to resolve territorial disputes.”

The President, in the same statement expresses the belief that this is consistent with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s pronouncements on the South China Sea made in July last year, supporting collaborative diplomatic processes.

“As a peace-loving country, the Philippines supports any efforts to deal with potential irritants in the most peaceful way possible,” the President said.

Palace welcomes latest upgraded credit rating by Moody’s

MANILA (PIA) -- Malacanang welcomed on Wednesday the move of Moody’s Investors Service in upgrading the Philippines sovereign rating to Ba2 from Ba3 stable outlook saying that President Benigno S. Aquino III had successfully implemented its fiscal sustainability program.

Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said the latest upgraded credit rating by Moody’s for the Philippines clearly affirmed the economic agenda and leadership of the President particularly his fiscal sustainability program.

“This is an affirmation of the economic agenda and leadership of [President Benigno S.C. Aquino III], particularly our fiscal sustainability program,” Purisima said in a statement.

“This is something we had been aiming for. We are very pleased with Moody’s recognition of the fiscal reforms the Aquino administration has enacted and more importantly, with their confidence in the future path of fiscal consolidation of the Philippines," he added.

The upgrade, however, will prompt the government to work harder, Purisima said, stressing that the Aquino administration will "strengthen even more our resolve to ensure fiscal sustainability through good governance, transparency in our actions and hard work."

Purisima noted that Moody's upgrade was the second "in less than a year of the Aquino administration," following Standard &Poor's one notch upgrade to "BB stable" last November.

In a press briefing on Wednesday in Malacanang, Presidential Spokesperson Atty. Edwin Lacierda said Moody’s Ba2 rating on the Philippines foreign and local currency long-term bonds shows that the country will have greater access to credit lines in the foreign borrowing institutions.

“This will also impliedly expect lower interest rates provided for us,” he said.

Citing progress in fiscal consolidation and sustained economic stability, Moody's said it is not impossible for the Philippines to achieve any further upgrade as long as they continue to improve its strength in the balance of payments and health in its financial system, and will be able to sustain progress towards fiscal consolidation and debt reduction.

Malacanang welcomes amendments made by U.S. on travel advisory for its citizens

MANILA (PIA) -- Malacanang welcomed the amendments made by the State Department of the United States (US) in its latest travel advisory for its citizen that indicates evident progress in the country’s security situation.

In his official statement delivered during a press briefing at the Palace on Wednesday, Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said that the amendments on the provisions in the latest US travel advisory for its citizens somehow expresses an improved confidence of the US on the peace and order situation in the country.

“The Department of Foreign Affairs has noted the update to the travel advisory for its nationals on the Philippines issued by the State Department of the United States. There have been amendments from the previous November 2, 2010 travel advisory indicating that progress in the security situation, and therefore the safety of tourists and visitors, have been observed,” Lacierda said.

Lacierda said that the advisory is being issued regularly by the US State department every six months.

“Itong apat na bagay na binago po shows in more improvement for us sa concerns nila, but again this is a regular travel warning provided by the United States State department for their citizens,” Lacierda noted.

“Sa tingin po namin, patuloy ang pag-improve ng safety ng ating mga citizens at pati na rin ang sa kanilang mamamayan.”

He added that the Aquino administration is continuously working seriously to maintain peace and order in the country and ensure public safety and security.

“So we are seeing improvements in the travel advisory provided by the United States State Department on the Philippines… like we said, we are continuously trying to make sure that we ensure public safety of our own citizens and our visitors,” Lacierda said.

Lacierda was referring to four provisions that were included in the previously issued advisories that were not included in the present travel advisory.

These provisions include: “targeted sites may be public gathering places that are frequented by expatriates and foreign citizens including American citizens” in the November 2, 2010 advisory.

“In the present travel warning, US citizens traveling, living and working throughout the Philippines are urged to exercise heightened caution,” Lacierda explained.

In the kidnap for ransom provision, the November 2, 2010 warning stated that kidnap for ransom gangs were active throughout the Philippines and targeting foreigners, warning foreigners who resided in or visiting the Sulu archipelago in Mindanao to hire their own security. This provision has also been removed in the latest advisory.

Expanded Public-Private Sector panel seen to boost country’s global competitiveness

MANILA (PIA) -- MalacaƱang has expanded a public-private sector task force in charge of addressing investor issues in fresh bid to improve the global competitiveness of the Philippines.

Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. said on Wednesday that Executive Order No. 44 signed by President Benigno Aquino III on June 3 is a step toward enhancing the competitive ranking of the country while strengthening the local industries.

“The government and the business sector have the shared aspiration to jointly address the competitiveness indicators that will impact on our international competitiveness ranking and strengthen our industries, agriculture and service sectors, and thereby create more jobs and increase income,” Ochoa said.

The President’s order renames the Public-Private Sector Task Force on Philippine Competitiveness, which was established by virtue of EO 571 issued on October 5, 2006, to National Competitiveness Council (NCC). The council is attached to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and will report to the Cabinet’s Economic Development Cluster.

EO 44 beefs up the NCC with the inclusion of the heads of the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Tourism (DOT). Other members are the secretaries of DTI and the Departments of Finance and Education, director general of the National Economic and Development Authority, and five representatives from the private sector.

The President deemed it important to include the DOE secretary in the joint panel in view of the rising cost of power that dulls the country’s international competitiveness, Ochoa explained.

“The DOT is included in the NCC in recognition of the fact that the development of the tourism industry holds the greatest potential for job creation and generation of additional revenues for the government,” the Executive Secretary added.

Under the presidential issuance, the NCC serves as a primary collection point of investor issues that need to be addressed in order to improve international competitiveness in the industry, services and agricultural sectors.

The council is to advise the President on policy matters affecting the competitiveness of the business sector and provide inputs to the Philippine Development Plan, the Philippine Investments Priority Plan and the Philippine Exports Priority Plan.

Part of the NCC’s task is to coordinate, monitor and ensure the implementation of key policy improvement processes associated with international competitiveness, as well as recommend legislation that may contribute to further boost competitiveness.

The DTI secretary is designated chairperson of the NCC with a private sector representative, to be appointed by the President, as co-chairperson. The five representatives from the private sector will have a term of two years.

The DTI-Center for Industrial Competitiveness serves as the NCC Secretariat to be headed by its executive director, with the support of a private sector staff headed by an operations director.

The EO earmarks P5 million, which will be drawn from the Contingent Fund of the Office of the President, for the operating expenses of the NCC. Subsequent annual funding of the council will be incorporated in the regular budget of the DTI and subject to existing accounting and auditing laws and regulations, while the private sector shall provide funding for its own activities.

Palace designates DOJ as ‘Competition Authority’ on domestic, international trade

MANILA (PIA) -- MalacaƱang has designated the Department of Justice (DOJ) as the country’s “Competition Authority” to ensure fair domestic trade, as it pushes for antitrust measures that will curb monopolies, break up cartels, and eliminate other abusive practices in business.

Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. said on Wednesday that Executive Order No. 45, signed by President Benigno Aquino III on June 9, recognizes the need to promote competition and level the playing field in the market to encourage needed investments and safeguard the interest of the general public.

“The 16-point Agenda of the administration provides that this will be a government that creates conditions conducive to the growth and competitiveness of private businesses, big, medium, and small,” Ochoa pointed out.

“The President’s policy, as he had stated during his first State of the Nation Address, called for measures that will allow and guarantee fair competition,” he also said.

Under EO 45, the DOJ is tasked to investigate all cases involving violations of competition laws and prosecute violators to prevent, restrain, and punish monopolization, cartels, and combinations in restraint of trade.

The DOJ is likewise ordered to enforce competition policies and laws to protect consumers from abusive, fraudulent, or harmful corrupt business practices; and supervise competition in markets by ensuring that prohibitions and requirements of competition laws are followed.

EO 45 further directs the DOJ to monitor and implement measures to promote transparency and accountability in markets; as well as prepare, publish, and disseminate studies and reports on competition to inform and guide the industry and consumers.

The DOJ is also charged to promote international cooperation and strengthen Philippine trade relations with other countries, economies, and institutions in trade agreements.

According to the Executive Secretary, the DOJ is designated as Competition Authority under EO 45 since it is mandated by law to review all laws related to trusts and monopolies, or combinations in restraint of trade, to enable the government to deal more efficiently with abusive business practices, including monopolies and cartels.

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