Sen Trillanes to visit Albay tomorrow, graces opening of Magayon Festival 2011
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY – Senator Antonio Trillanes will visit Albay tomorrow (Friday, April 1) as special guest during the launching of the Magayon Festival 2011, sponsored by the provincial government of Albay.
Trillanes was invited by Gov. Joey Salceda of Albay to grace the kick-off ceremonies of the month long festivities that include art exhibit, trade fair, a 50 mile ultra marathon and a lot of other sports and other competitions.
The senator, who hails from Ligao City, Albay, upon arrival will attend a mass and hold a press conference before proceeding to the festival opening ceremonies.
Trillanes will also hold meeting with some local officials and Magdalo members the following day before departing for Manila. (PIA V/Albay/mal)
Urban greening caps Women’s Month celebration
LEGAZPI CITY, March 30 (PIA) -- Golden shower and fire trees will soon be seen teeming along the roadsides of Taysan Resettlement Site in Barangay Tayzan here after advocates of gender and development planted scores of seedlings as Bicol region capped the Women’s Month celebration (WMC) last Friday (March 25).
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women or CEDAW campaigners both men and women, from various government agencies did their share in the tree planting endeavor.
Some making sure of high survival rate of the seedlings, broached the bottom part of the plastic pots holding the saplings, dug deep enough and covered it well with top soil.
“We join this event to promote awareness on gender development as well as help planting more trees to address climate change” says Crisencia Marantal, an overseas Filipino worker. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) fielded a team of OFWs to support the urban greening last Friday. Alongside the OFWs, teachers, representatives from the local Police and Fire Bureau also made the effort to plant, and campaign for CEDAW 2011 goals.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources spearheaded urban greening was in tune with the national government’s National Greening Program which promotes the role of women and achieving the country’s millennium development goal of ensuring sustainable development.
NGP as a national priority program has a goal of planting 1.5 billion trees in 1.5 million hectares for the period 2011-2016. 10 percent of the NGP target will be allotted for urban greening.
“Aside from the Magna Carta of Women and the Millenium Development Goals, 2011WMC will focus on climate change,” Elizabeth Padilla, DENR-GAD focal person explains.
The 2011 Women’s Month theme in the DENR is “Magna Carta of Women, Philippine CEDAW: In Support of Millennium Development Goal 7 (To Ensure Environmental Sustainablity)”.
Meanwhile, Environment Secretary Ramon Paje emphasized that the successful implementation of the NGP will be the agency’s major contribution to the fulfillment of this year’s theme for National Women’s Month, “Magna Carta of Women, Philippine CEDAW: In support of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)”. Further, monitoring of the agency’s accomplishments would consider sex-disaggregated data to determine the number of female beneficiaries or participants in the program.
According to him, the DENR has undertaken concrete initiatives in response to the three-fold challenge of gender and development (GAD), namely, the country’s commitment to the international Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women or CEDAW; compliance to Republic Act (RA) 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women; and MDG number 7, ensuring environmental sustainability.
He cited that the DENR has long been issuing tenurial instruments such as forest stewardship and land patents to female beneficiaries. He has also instructed the agency’s land management sector to include gender perspectives in the implementation of, and information campaign for, Republic Act 10023 or the Residential Free Patent Act. (JSBasanta, DENR V/PIA Albay)
Sorsogon Tourism Council holds accreditation seminar and elects new officers
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) -- The Sorsogon Provincial Tourism Council (SPTC) here has been assisting the various stakeholders in the tourism industry in the province to be officially accredited by the Department of Tourism (DOT) Bicol to make them globally competitive.
SPTC secretary and chief executive officer Angelita D. Agnes said in today’s assembly the council intends to make tourism industry stakeholders in the province provide services and packaging based on the official global tourism standards.
Agnes, relaying a message from SPTC chair Imelda Nicolas, now also Secretary of the Commission for Filipinos Oveseas, said that "It is has been the desire of Nicolas for two years that official accreditation will provide our service providers and stakeholders in the province of Sorsogon to be globally aware and competitive in the world market.”
“The morning session will focus on the accreditation of the tourism service providers by the DOT Bicol, and SPTC has already sent the official communication to bring with them the needed documents for the accreditation.” Agnes sadi.
According to Agnes, tourism providers that should be accredited include agri-tourism farm sites, mountain guides, tour guides, cave guides, foreign exchange dealers, galleries, hotels, tourist inns, motels and apartels, pension houses and all accommodation establishments including home stays.
In the letter that was sent to tourism industry providers, Agnes said that the SPTC has expanded their accreditation to include motorized boats used for ecotourism like in the butanding whale shark interaction, firefly watching also vehicles used for tourism and even tricycles operators who also would bring tourist within certain destinations.
It has been found out also that maintaining regular rates for vehicles and other forms of conveyances to include tricycles for rentals should also be provided orientation so that the tourism industry here should really be tourist friendly accommodating, polite, presentable and become an information giver and sharer.
In the afternoon afternoon, no less than Nicolas will provide the members with the report of accomplishments of the SPTC during her term for two years.
DOT Bicol Regional Director Maria "Nini" Ravanilla will give the regional state of the industry to provide the members the new trends and mechanisms to upgrade the services of the tourism providers here and where Sorsogon is in the tourism industry.
Cristina Racelis, provincial tourism officer- designate od Sorsogon, will present the highlights of the Sorsogon Tourism Master Plan.
SPTC website will also be presented to provide the various tourism stakeholders insights on how how to come up with packaging destinations and selling it through the internet.
The election of the new sets of officers of the SPTC will also be one of the highlights of the general assembly.
SPTC newly elected board of directors will also elect their new sets of officers and hold their first meeting after the election to lay the plans and programs for the next two years. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
Masbate exec bats for ‘legalized askals’ in gold-rich area
MASBATE CITY (PIA) —A senior member of the Masbate provincial board is appealing for the granting of permits to small-scale miners who have been conducting illegal operations in the gold-rich town of Aroroy.
Juan Sanchez Sr., chair of the committee on natural resources and environment of Masbate provincial board, urged agencies regulating mining and the provincial government to work together for the designation of gold-rush areas in Aroroy as communal sites or “minahang bayan” to help generate jobs and bring more revenues to the host municipality.
Presently, small-scale miners hop from one site to another in their quest for gold, leading detractors to deride them as “askals,” street lingo for “asong kalye” (stray dog).
Back in February, a public hearing by the provincial board exposed the fact that there were no small-scale mining permits issued in Barangays Syndicate, Balete, Panique, Capsay and Bangon. This means that the individuals and groups in those areas had started mining operations without any form of government regulations.
Sanchez asked his colleagues to add their voices to the call for Environment Secretary Ramon Paje to breathe life to the Provincial Mining Regulatory Board (PMRB) here.
Under RA 7076 or the People’s Small Scale Mining Act of 1991, persons undertaking small-scale mining activities must register with the PMRB and may organize themselves into cooperatives to qualify for the awarding of a mining contract.
The PMRB, however, has yet to convene for the first time since RA 7076 took effect in 1992.
The PMRB is composed of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), the provincial government, and representations from the large-scale miners, the small-scale mining cooperatives and the religious (for the non-government organizations).
According to the guidelines obtained from the MGB, a resolution adopted by PMRB is needed to declare the gold-rich areas as communal sites.
Sanchez said the declaration would secure the livelihood of small-scale miners and ensure that the government receives its fare share of the revenues from extracted materials.
He said it would also protect the small-scale miners from large mining operators, something that would be a shot in the arm for the thousands of small miners currently struggling with Filminera Resources Corp., which has an Australian partner.
The declaration requires an executive order from the governor and approval from Paje.
Danilo Corpus, a leader of small miners, said the violent squabbles that had characterized gold-rush sites in Aroroy in the past would be “diminished if not completely prevented in the Minahang Bayan sites where maintenance of order among miners is enhanced.”
Official sources, however, doubted the small miners’ request because the areas occupied by them are supposedly within the mining concession of Filminera.
As of Feb. 7, 2011, some 1,129 hectares in Bangon, Syndicate and Panique have been covered by four Mineral Production Sharing Agreements (MPSA) that Filminera has struck with MGB. One of the agreements allows Filminera to extract gold from about 584 hectares up to March 2035.
On top of it, Filminera was able to secure a new exploration permit in April last year. The license was for an area of about 5,231 hectares contiguous with the tenements currently covered by its gold project.
In August 2005, another company, Vicar Mining Corp., was also able to forge an MPSA with MGB. The agreement allows Vicar to extract mineral ores from about 783 hectares in Aroroy in the next 25 years.
Under the People’s Small Scale Mining Act, before a small-scale mining permit may be issued by the provincial government, applicants must first get a waiver form the mining company that owns the mining rights to these areas.
This requires PMRB and MGB to negotiate with Filminera and Vicar officials for the grant of waivers of their mining claims over areas occupied by small-scale miners. (EADelgado, PIA Masbate/mal)
Fireman sees good side in nonstop rains
MASBATE CITY, (PIA) — While some people are cursing the lingering wet season caused by the La Niña, the somewhat nonstop rains in Masbate are greeted with a warm welcome by firemen.
Fire officer Victor Pascual said Tuesday the weather anomaly was good for the prevention of fires.
“Actually it is the abnormal weather condition that is doing a very effective fire prevention,” he said in reply to a question in a radio interview.
Pascual said his colleagues at the Bureau of Fire Protection were happy “dahil nakikisama ang panahon.”
Just the same, he advised the public to observe safety measures in their daily life to avert fires.
He also urged the public to check electrical wiring in their homes and seek help from licensed electricians.
Electrical misuse is the most common cause of fires that hit many areas, he said.
He lauded a policy of Masbate City Mayor Socrates M. Tuason of withholding the business permit of any applicant until a fire clearance is obtained.
Pascual disclosed that one of their activities to drum up support to the observance here of Fire Prevention Month is conduct drills in several schools in many towns, including Milagros.
“We have seen it in Japan, powerful earthquakes triggers massive fires,” he added. (EADelgado, PIA Masbate/mal)
Coast Guard Bicol to celebrate 12th Anniversary
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Bicol district command will celebrate its 12th founding anniversary tomorrow (April 1) with no less than Admiral Wilfredo D. Tamayo, PCG commandant, as its guest and keynote speaker.
Capt. Tranquilino G. Paiton , Coast Guard Bicol District commander, said that part of the celebration will include the 66th commemoration of the Albay Gulf Landing to be held at the Mariner’s Polytechnic Colleges Foundation annex compound in Barangay Rawis , this city.
Paiton disclosed that Coast Guard Bicol district has grown from its three original provincial stations to six now covering the six provinces of Bicol, adding that an additional nine detachments were also set up from the original 23 to cover more existing strategic ports in the region.
He said Coast Guard Bicol district can now better serve and protect the interest of passengers of ocean going vessels with its additional stations and manpower as well as immediately respond to distress calls from fishermen and passenger vessels who need to be rescued more so in times of bad weather.
Paiton said that Coast Guard Bicol district will also be able to better assist in the protection of the marine resources in cooperation with other agencies like the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Philippine Navy and the Philippine Maritime Police. (PIA V/Albay/mal)
Sen Trillanes to visit Albay tomorrow, graces opening of Magayon Festival 2011
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY – Senator Antonio Trillanes will visit Albay tomorrow (Friday, April 1) as special guest during the launching of the Magayon Festival 2011, sponsored by the provincial government of Albay.
Trillanes was invited by Gov. Joey Salceda of Albay to grace the kick-off ceremonies of the month long festivities that include art exhibit, trade fair, a 50 mile ultra marathon and a lot of other sports and other competitions.
The senator, who hails from Ligao City, Albay, upon arrival will attend a mass and hold a press conference before proceeding to the festival opening ceremonies.
Trillanes will also hold meeting with some local officials and Magdalo members the following day before departing for Manila. (PIA V/Albay/mal)
Official Publication of the Philippine Information Agency Bicol Regional Office, in cooperation with the RIAC-REDIRAS - RDC Bicol
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
LBP grants P3B loans to Bicol’s priority sectors in 2010
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) provided last year over P3-billion loan to its priority sectors in Bicol including small farmers and fisher folk (SFF), cooperatives, small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs), agribusinesses, socialized housing and environment-related projects.
In a statement here Monday, LBP assistant vice-president and Bicol regional head Renato Eje said of the P3.077 billion loan granted in 2010, the government-owned banking institution released P1.43 billion, or 46 percent to agriculture infrastructure projects of local government units (LGUs).
He said SFF cooperatives and other financial conduits such as rural banks, irrigators and farmers’ associations got 25 percent, or P763 million of the total priority sectors loan that benefited a cumulative 252,687 number of farmer-beneficiaries in the region.
Total loans to SMEs reached P423 million or 14 percent of the region’s total priority sector loans while LGUs got P1.552 billion marking a P157-million increase over the P1.395 million it posted in 2009.
Bicol’s Countryside Financial Institution loans last year was P484.142 million which was up 13 percent from P427.144 in the previous year, he said.
Those releases were part of the P3.24-billion loan portfolio of the LBP in Bicol last year which was over P1.9 billion more than its total outstanding loans four years ago, Eje said adding that such growth was product of the bank’s sustained efforts to deliver credit assistance to its development partners particularly those in the agricultural and small businesses sectors.
LBP loan releases for pump-priming and agribusiness projects in Bicol last year amounted to a total of P1.56 billion with agricultural production posting the highest at P597.49 million followed by marketing support at P447.138 million, he noted.
“We are continuously growing in Bicol as shown by our deposit portfolio which was P11.525 billion in 2010 that was up by over P5.5 billion from 2006 which was only P5.98 billion,” Eje said.
LBP in the region had already 14 branches and adding one more in Polangui, Albay next week as it prepares for the additional influx of clients with the expanded implementation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) of the Aquino administration which makes the bank its exclusive servicing outlet, he added. (DOCalleja, LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
BU now ISO-QMS accredited
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — The Bicol University (BU) in Albay has become the first state-run university in the country which programs and courses all passed the international
standard of managing a tertiary learning institution and offering academic service.
BU President Dr. Fay Lea Patria Lauraya said the university has received recently the certification which serves as proof that it had passed the worldwide quality management system (QMS) set by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) through auditors from the Germany-based Technicher Uberwachungs Verein-Technical Inspection Association-TUV.
Lauraya said that the ISO accreditation gives BU the privilege to level up with fellow ISO accredited schools in other countries and gain international market access such as exchange of learning strategies, students, and program offerings.
“BU as now ISO accredited, we expect better opportunities for our graduates once they decide to work abroad, or even merely to continue their post-graduate courses outside the Philippines,” Lauraya said.
Lauraya furthered that BU would open additional programs such as medicine and meteorology, and courses incorporating climate change adaptation topics.
Albay Gov. Joey Salceda meanwhile said that the province would extend all its resources to
further improve the services of the state-run university here.
“In fact, Albay’s scholarship programs benefit thousands of BU students already, and more are set to benefit through our expanded Albay Higher Education Contribution Scheme (AHECS),” Salceda added.
As the biggest tertiary school in Bicol, and the most populous in the country, BU is consistently producing topnotchers In accountancy, engineering, nursing and teachers’ board exams.
Aside from its main campus here, BU also has satellite and extensions in Tabaco City, Daraga, Guinobatan and Polangui,all in Albay; Gubat in Sorsogon; and Camp Crame in Quezon City. (MALoterte, PIA Albay)
Sec. Soliman, Governor lead convergence services
By Rosalita B. Manlangit
DAET, Camarines Norte, (PIA) — Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman visits this Camarines Norte today and meet with beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the town of Mercedes.
The visit has conincided with the 4th Provincial Services Caravan of the provincial government and the planning workshop for the convergence of DSWD services.
Soliman said that President Benigno Aquino III battle cry of “kung walang corrupt walang mahirap” can really be felt in similar activities like this bringing the services right to the people.
The services caravan of the provincial government,led by Governor Edgardo Tallado, provides programs and services to the people of every town-beneficiary where it is being held, now in Mercedes.
She said that on Pnoy’s “kayo ang boss ko”, DSWD officials are visiting provinces nationwide to respond the needs of the constituents, specially the indigents communities.
Soliman said that Camarines Norte is one of the convergence areas out of the 47 provinces in the country to benefit from the three-corner programs of the DSWD.
She explained that one of the 3 corners or “tatlong sulok” program is the sustainable development wherein those beneficiaries of the 4Ps in 2008-2009 will be provided with 5,000-10,000 with no interest and payable in two years for them to use in small medium enterprise (SMEs) for their livelihood.
She said that the Guaranteed Employment Scheme is a job opportunity in coordination with the local government units and the national government agencies projects and the last is the KALAHI-CIDDS for the building of day care centers, classroom and other facilities and other needs of the barangays.
She said that aside from the above the DSWD will implement complementary feeding in day care centers for the children 3-5 years old and the on going 20% discount for the Senior citizen in medicines, transpotation, movies and 5 % discount in electricity.
She also cited the that the DSWD in now covering the 1.4 million indigents for the 4Ps and is targeting to reach the 2.3 million by the end of this year and a total of 5 million indigents for the duration of the program.
The Secretary added that they are covering now 74 cities and 936 municipalities nationwide for the 4Ps.
Also a meeting with the local chief executives was made during her visit. (PIA, Camsarines Norte/mal).
Skills development training of FARMC's as partners in local governance set
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) -- A one-day training for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMC's) will be held on April 28, 2011 at the Provincial Capitol Dome here.
The said activity will be attended by the eleven (11) municipal mayors and vice-mayors, Sangguniang Bayan chairman on agriculture and fisheries, Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO), Agricultural Technician for Fisheries and Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council Chairman.
The training "Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as Partners in Local Governance Sustainable Fisheries Resources in Catanduanes" aims to identify issues and concerns involved which hinders the active participation of a particular FARMC's to identify the necessary solution and recommend management options for specific MFARMC and to conduct orientation regarding Level of FARMC development.
FARMC in the province has been established since year 2003 but not totally functioned as what Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196 provides, of the government, to achieve sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources, attain food security and eradicate poverty among coastal and inland fishing communities and pursuant to the provisions of RA 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. (EABagadiong, PIACatanduanes/mal)
COMELEC's continuing voters registration reset
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) – The COMELEC has reset the resumption of continuing registration of voters in the non-ARMM areas from April 1 to May 3, 2011, to expedite the distribution to the field offices of application forms, as contained in the March 2, 2011 Minute Resolution No. 11-02681.
The resolution provides for the delegation to the regional election directors the authority to procure said application forms for use in their respective areas of jurisdictions.
The re-scheduling aims to give the regional election directors sufficient time to procure the application forms and deliver the same to the offices of their respective provincial election supervisors.
Application for registration, transfer of registration records, change/ correction of entries in the registration records, reactivation of registration records, and inclusion of registration records, reinstatement of the name in the list of voters shall be personally filed beginning May 3, 2011-October 31, 2012 at the Office of the election officer of the municipality or city where the applicant resides, from Monday to Saturday, inclusive of holidays during regular office hours at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The applicant should personally appear before the election officer and present any valid identification documents that bear the applicant's photograph and signature. (EABagadiong, PIA Catanduanesmal)
Chiz tops Pulse Asia survey
MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Francis Escudero topped the latest awareness and performance ratings of senators in a survey conducted by Pulse Asia from Feb. 24 to March 6 this year.
Escudero garnered 82 percent approval rating, followed by Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada, and Senators Loren Legarda and Franklin Drilon, completing the top five highest pointers among the senators.
Santiago scored 79 percent approval, while Estrada enjoyed 75 percent awareness. Legarda and Drilon both received 70 percent awareness ratings.
Following them were Minority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano (69 percent), Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV (68 percent), Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III (67 percent), Sen. Sergio Osmeña III (64 percent), Sen. Gregorio Honasan (61 percent), Sen. Teofisto Guingona III (61 percent), Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (60 percent), and Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (55). (Office of Sen. Escudero/PIA Albay/mal)
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) provided last year over P3-billion loan to its priority sectors in Bicol including small farmers and fisher folk (SFF), cooperatives, small and medium entrepreneurs (SMEs), agribusinesses, socialized housing and environment-related projects.
In a statement here Monday, LBP assistant vice-president and Bicol regional head Renato Eje said of the P3.077 billion loan granted in 2010, the government-owned banking institution released P1.43 billion, or 46 percent to agriculture infrastructure projects of local government units (LGUs).
He said SFF cooperatives and other financial conduits such as rural banks, irrigators and farmers’ associations got 25 percent, or P763 million of the total priority sectors loan that benefited a cumulative 252,687 number of farmer-beneficiaries in the region.
Total loans to SMEs reached P423 million or 14 percent of the region’s total priority sector loans while LGUs got P1.552 billion marking a P157-million increase over the P1.395 million it posted in 2009.
Bicol’s Countryside Financial Institution loans last year was P484.142 million which was up 13 percent from P427.144 in the previous year, he said.
Those releases were part of the P3.24-billion loan portfolio of the LBP in Bicol last year which was over P1.9 billion more than its total outstanding loans four years ago, Eje said adding that such growth was product of the bank’s sustained efforts to deliver credit assistance to its development partners particularly those in the agricultural and small businesses sectors.
LBP loan releases for pump-priming and agribusiness projects in Bicol last year amounted to a total of P1.56 billion with agricultural production posting the highest at P597.49 million followed by marketing support at P447.138 million, he noted.
“We are continuously growing in Bicol as shown by our deposit portfolio which was P11.525 billion in 2010 that was up by over P5.5 billion from 2006 which was only P5.98 billion,” Eje said.
LBP in the region had already 14 branches and adding one more in Polangui, Albay next week as it prepares for the additional influx of clients with the expanded implementation of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) of the Aquino administration which makes the bank its exclusive servicing outlet, he added. (DOCalleja, LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
BU now ISO-QMS accredited
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — The Bicol University (BU) in Albay has become the first state-run university in the country which programs and courses all passed the international
standard of managing a tertiary learning institution and offering academic service.
BU President Dr. Fay Lea Patria Lauraya said the university has received recently the certification which serves as proof that it had passed the worldwide quality management system (QMS) set by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) through auditors from the Germany-based Technicher Uberwachungs Verein-Technical Inspection Association-TUV.
Lauraya said that the ISO accreditation gives BU the privilege to level up with fellow ISO accredited schools in other countries and gain international market access such as exchange of learning strategies, students, and program offerings.
“BU as now ISO accredited, we expect better opportunities for our graduates once they decide to work abroad, or even merely to continue their post-graduate courses outside the Philippines,” Lauraya said.
Lauraya furthered that BU would open additional programs such as medicine and meteorology, and courses incorporating climate change adaptation topics.
Albay Gov. Joey Salceda meanwhile said that the province would extend all its resources to
further improve the services of the state-run university here.
“In fact, Albay’s scholarship programs benefit thousands of BU students already, and more are set to benefit through our expanded Albay Higher Education Contribution Scheme (AHECS),” Salceda added.
As the biggest tertiary school in Bicol, and the most populous in the country, BU is consistently producing topnotchers In accountancy, engineering, nursing and teachers’ board exams.
Aside from its main campus here, BU also has satellite and extensions in Tabaco City, Daraga, Guinobatan and Polangui,all in Albay; Gubat in Sorsogon; and Camp Crame in Quezon City. (MALoterte, PIA Albay)
Sec. Soliman, Governor lead convergence services
By Rosalita B. Manlangit
DAET, Camarines Norte, (PIA) — Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman visits this Camarines Norte today and meet with beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) in the town of Mercedes.
The visit has conincided with the 4th Provincial Services Caravan of the provincial government and the planning workshop for the convergence of DSWD services.
Soliman said that President Benigno Aquino III battle cry of “kung walang corrupt walang mahirap” can really be felt in similar activities like this bringing the services right to the people.
The services caravan of the provincial government,led by Governor Edgardo Tallado, provides programs and services to the people of every town-beneficiary where it is being held, now in Mercedes.
She said that on Pnoy’s “kayo ang boss ko”, DSWD officials are visiting provinces nationwide to respond the needs of the constituents, specially the indigents communities.
Soliman said that Camarines Norte is one of the convergence areas out of the 47 provinces in the country to benefit from the three-corner programs of the DSWD.
She explained that one of the 3 corners or “tatlong sulok” program is the sustainable development wherein those beneficiaries of the 4Ps in 2008-2009 will be provided with 5,000-10,000 with no interest and payable in two years for them to use in small medium enterprise (SMEs) for their livelihood.
She said that the Guaranteed Employment Scheme is a job opportunity in coordination with the local government units and the national government agencies projects and the last is the KALAHI-CIDDS for the building of day care centers, classroom and other facilities and other needs of the barangays.
She said that aside from the above the DSWD will implement complementary feeding in day care centers for the children 3-5 years old and the on going 20% discount for the Senior citizen in medicines, transpotation, movies and 5 % discount in electricity.
She also cited the that the DSWD in now covering the 1.4 million indigents for the 4Ps and is targeting to reach the 2.3 million by the end of this year and a total of 5 million indigents for the duration of the program.
The Secretary added that they are covering now 74 cities and 936 municipalities nationwide for the 4Ps.
Also a meeting with the local chief executives was made during her visit. (PIA, Camsarines Norte/mal).
Skills development training of FARMC's as partners in local governance set
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) -- A one-day training for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMC's) will be held on April 28, 2011 at the Provincial Capitol Dome here.
The said activity will be attended by the eleven (11) municipal mayors and vice-mayors, Sangguniang Bayan chairman on agriculture and fisheries, Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO), Agricultural Technician for Fisheries and Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council Chairman.
The training "Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as Partners in Local Governance Sustainable Fisheries Resources in Catanduanes" aims to identify issues and concerns involved which hinders the active participation of a particular FARMC's to identify the necessary solution and recommend management options for specific MFARMC and to conduct orientation regarding Level of FARMC development.
FARMC in the province has been established since year 2003 but not totally functioned as what Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196 provides, of the government, to achieve sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources, attain food security and eradicate poverty among coastal and inland fishing communities and pursuant to the provisions of RA 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. (EABagadiong, PIACatanduanes/mal)
COMELEC's continuing voters registration reset
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) – The COMELEC has reset the resumption of continuing registration of voters in the non-ARMM areas from April 1 to May 3, 2011, to expedite the distribution to the field offices of application forms, as contained in the March 2, 2011 Minute Resolution No. 11-02681.
The resolution provides for the delegation to the regional election directors the authority to procure said application forms for use in their respective areas of jurisdictions.
The re-scheduling aims to give the regional election directors sufficient time to procure the application forms and deliver the same to the offices of their respective provincial election supervisors.
Application for registration, transfer of registration records, change/ correction of entries in the registration records, reactivation of registration records, and inclusion of registration records, reinstatement of the name in the list of voters shall be personally filed beginning May 3, 2011-October 31, 2012 at the Office of the election officer of the municipality or city where the applicant resides, from Monday to Saturday, inclusive of holidays during regular office hours at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The applicant should personally appear before the election officer and present any valid identification documents that bear the applicant's photograph and signature. (EABagadiong, PIA Catanduanesmal)
Chiz tops Pulse Asia survey
MANILA, Philippines - Sen. Francis Escudero topped the latest awareness and performance ratings of senators in a survey conducted by Pulse Asia from Feb. 24 to March 6 this year.
Escudero garnered 82 percent approval rating, followed by Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada, and Senators Loren Legarda and Franklin Drilon, completing the top five highest pointers among the senators.
Santiago scored 79 percent approval, while Estrada enjoyed 75 percent awareness. Legarda and Drilon both received 70 percent awareness ratings.
Following them were Minority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano (69 percent), Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV (68 percent), Majority Leader Vicente Sotto III (67 percent), Sen. Sergio Osmeña III (64 percent), Sen. Gregorio Honasan (61 percent), Sen. Teofisto Guingona III (61 percent), Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile (60 percent), and Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (55). (Office of Sen. Escudero/PIA Albay/mal)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
New state-of-the-art patrol boat, trained police personnel to boost RLECC anti illegal fishing drive
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The arrival of a new patrol boat, fielding of 59 newly trained policemen and more enhanced coordination between and among its member agencies will now boost the anti-illegal fishing drive carried out by the Fishing and Marine Environment Protection (FMEP) of the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (RLECC).
In the recent meeting last week at the Philippine National Police (PNP) Bicol office here, the committee has decided that the news patrol boat will be utilized to go after illegal fishers who persist in continuing with their destructive fishing activities.
The 18 footer patrol boat, equipped with a 50 horse power engine that can run at a top speed of 20 knots, was donated and turned over by the Spanish government to the FMEP recently.
Francisco Ombao, provincial fishery officer of Albay, will man the operation of the new facility and will ensure its maximum utilization to protect the coastal waters of Bicol.
It was also agreed upon that a stronger coordination protocol will be put in place so that the other support agencies like the Philippine Navy, the Philippine Coast Guard, the Maritime Police and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) would be able to respond quickly if the need for a composite group arises.
During the same conference, Police Supt. Adelio Castillo of PNP Bicol reported that 59 policemen from the different provincial, coastal city and municipal police stations are ready for deployment to assist the committee in its renewed drive to go after illegal fishers
Castillo said these police officers underwent an orientation cum training under the Bicol regional office of Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on the latest fishery laws and detection fish caught by blast fishing or cyanide poisoning.
The Regional Prosecution Office (RPO) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) also committed to see to it that cases filed against illegal fishers will be prosecuted to the fullest. (PIA V/Albay/mal)
Public warned anew on becoming drug couriers
LEGAZPI CITY (PIA) – The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) regional office here has reiterated the government’s call to the populace, especially among overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), not to allow them to fall prey to international drug syndicates’ modus operandi.
PDEA Bicol Regional Director Archie Alzaga Grande said that when traveling abroad, one should be extremely cautious when dealing with strangers on possible ‘padala’ or ‘salisi’ modus operandi in order not to suffer the same fate of three Filipinos convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to death in China already set tomorrow (March 30).
Grande said the agency is one with the entire country in grieving and praying for the fate of the three convicted Filipino drug traffickers Ramon Credo and Sally Villanueva, who will face their fate by lethal injection in Xiamen; and Elizabeth Batain in Shenzhen, all were found guilty of drug trafficking charges by the Fujian People’s Court and the Gunadong High People’s Court.
As the execution date already set tomorrow, PDEA Bicol reminds and urges anew OFWs to become vigilant in dealing with people as they travel abroad.
Grande furthered that drug mules, particularly overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), were forced by circumstances and lured with easy money, “but the stakes are definitely high.”
Meanwhile, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said in a statement that the increasing number of Filipino arrested as drug mules abroad, whether they were enticed, duped or recruited as (illegal) drug couriers, is alarming.
Based on DFA data, from two cases in 2003, it jumped to 689 cases as of January 2011.
Task Force on Drug Couriers, co-chaired by PDEA DFA, records show that some 689 cases were filed against Filipino drug couriers who are now in prison or facing death penalty abroad, with 431 (63 percent) female and 258 (37 percent) males.
Data also show that 79 of them are facing the death penalty in China, wherein 73 were granted with a two-year reprieve while six others, including Credo, Villanueva and Batain, with no reprieve. (MALoterte, PIA V/Albay)
Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as partners in Local Governance Training set
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) -- A one-day training for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMC's) will be held on April 28, 2011 at the Provincial Capitol Dome here.
The said activity will be attended by the eleven (11) municipal mayors and vice-mayors, Sangguniang Bayan chairman on agriculture and fisheries, Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO), Agricultural Technician for Fisheries and Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council Chairman.
The training "Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as Partners in Local Governance Sustainable Fisheries Resources in Catanduanes" aims to identify issues and concerns involved which hinders the active participation of a particular FARMC's to identify the necessary solution and recommend management options for specific MFARMC and to conduct orientation regarding Level of FARMC development.
FARMC in the province has been established since year 2003 but not totally functioned as what Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196 provides, of the government, to achieve sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources, attain food security and eradicate poverty among coastal and inland fishing communities and pursuant to the provisions of RA 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. (EABagadiong, PIACatanduanes/mal)
World Vision orients Sorsogon media on social mobilization on tubercolosis project
By Irma A. Guhit
Sorsogon City, March 29 (PIA) -- The World Vision (WV) hosted yesterday an orientation and press conference cum luncheon for the members of the media community here on the Social Mobilization on Tuberculosis (SMT) Project held at Villa Isabel Hotel
Sorsogon City Assistant Health Officer, Dr. Ruel Rebustillo said the activity has provided information to the members of the media community onthe global and local situation of tuberculosis incidence.
Rebustillo added that the public awareness campaign seeking the assistance of the members of the media community here is in consonance with the yearly celebration of the World TB Day awareness celebrated every March 24.
According to the report of the WV the implementation of the SMT through its Global Fund assisted project here, tuberculosis is considered a global epidemic and should be addressed collectively with the active participation of the media.
Rebustillo stressed that the global and local scenarios on tuberculosis show that the disease is the cause of deaths of about 1.6 million people each year, mostly in the third world countries.
In the Philippines 75 Filipinos die from TB everyday, making it the sixth cause of death and of sickness in the country.
The Philippines ranks ninth worldwide in TB and ranks third among western Pacific countries with highest number of TB cases as of the WV findings
According to Rebustillo, the TB facts gathered from global to local context around the world showed an 8.8 million people infected with TB each year and 2 to 3 million people die of TB every year.
According to the report given by Rebustillo based on the WV findings TB is killing the most productive members of society aged 30-59 years old and who are mostly male.
The Philippines loses around P26.4 billion income due to premature deaths from TB and an untreated TB patient can infect 10-15 people in a single year according to the report.
The WV in its thrusts to implement through the Global Fund a response to the high incidence of the TB in the Philippines is now on its second phase of implementation here.
The first phase of the SMT here was started in October 2006 to 2008 while the second phase was started last January 2009 to continue this 2011.
Based on the report given by Rebustillo, the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) case findingsin this city has a record of 95 cured TB adult patients as of last year , with 96 infiltrative and 40 cavitaries cases.
This year through sputum testing 65 are undergoing a 6-month treatment while cases of 42 infiltrative and 18 cavitaries found out through chest X-rays.
Number of children tested with PPDs summed up to 545 while 103 adults were found out to be sputum positive done through contact tracing provided by the Tuberculosis Task Force Volunteers.
Case detection rate provided by the National Epedimiology Center (NEC ) showed that in 2010 through the TB Task Force tracking, out of the 621 case- findings 96 were found out to be positive which is 19% of the referrals made by the Sorsogon City TB Task Force conducted here aside from those considered as walk ins.
Rebustillo also stressed that tuberculosis infection is brought about by the bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis which is usually transmitted through coughing from persons infected with tuberculosis and inhaled by another person.
The old belief that persons who smokes and drinks can have tuberculosis is not true while smoking and drinking can aggravate the situation of the person with tuberculosis and can cause
Symptoms of persons infected with tuberculosis include fever present every afternoon, loss of weight, loss of appetite, continuous coughing for almost two weeks, and having chest and back pains.
Rebustillo said that it is always recommended to consult the doctor or those from the barangays their health centers for easy and early detection..
Tuberculosis is curable and it is always suggested to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits which will always aid the body and will strengthen body resistance.
The World Vision City Development Officer, Leo C. Legaspi has requested the assistance of the media community here in Sorsogon to continue its partnership with non-governmental organizations in popularizing programs that will provide the public awareness like the prevention and elimination of tuberculosis.
Several members of the media community were in attendance yesterday coming from the print, broadcast, television and the event facilitated through the assistance of the PIA Sorsogon.
A project launch for the acknowledgment of 260 TB Task Force Volunteers followed at the St. Loiuse de Marillac College at 3:00 PM attended by Sorsogon City Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda and former Governor Sally Ante-Lee.
The fight of tuberculosis and HIV Aids is one of the targets of the Millennium Development Goals that falls under goal number 6. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
Sorsogon City concludes Fire Prevention Month with tree planting and blood letting
By Bennie A Recebido
Sorsogon City, (PIA) – The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) station here conducted today a tree planting activity in Abuyog Elementary School as part of the 45th observance of Fire Prevention Month this March.
“This activity is also part of the BFP’s social responsibility to help protect the environment and further shows that the BFP as one of the line agencies of the government fully supports activities as such to send message to the community that we are not only concerned about public safety but also on environmental issues as well,” said City Fire Marshal Renato Marcial.
It can be noted that on Saturday, March 26, the BFP office here had also conducted a clean-up drive in Barangay. Caricaran, Bacon District, Sorsogon City.
To culminate the Fire Prevention Month, a blood letting activity will be held at the Sorsogon City Central Fire Station tomorrow, March 30.
“Through this endeavor, the BFP aims to strengthen its relation to the public for them to develop the trust and confidence to the programs of the government,” Marcial said.
He also said that the BFP persistently appeals for the cooperation of the community in their advocacy in promoting fire safety not only during the month of March but at all times in order to ensure the safety of everyone.
The Sorsogon City Central Fire Station have also conducted within the month various activities such as motorcade, information drive, feeding, company inspection, open house visitation, Ugnayan sa Barangay and fire truck visibility. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
LGU-San Jose awards 20 fishing boats in 2 coastal barangays
By Danilo C. Abad
SAN JOSE, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- A total of 20 non-motorized fishing boats were awarded by the local government of San Jose in Partido area for two coastal barangays.
The boats coast Php5,500 each.
Dolo Fishermen and Telegrafo Fisher Folks Association, all in coastal villages of the said town, were the beneficiaries of already 10 units of bancas distributed respectively last December 4 and March 16, 2011.
Mayor Antonio B. Chavez of this town said that fishery livelihood program aims to help the fisher folks to have their own bancas knowing that fishing is their main source of income.
Chavez also said that the Pangkabuhayan Program forms part of the campaign to boost the productivity of fishing industry here and aim to alleviate the status of living of the residents in order to survive from poverty.
With the assistance from municipal government, the beneficiaries are very thankful in present leadership of the chief executive by providing and extending support to the majority of the fisher folks throughout the coastal barangays.
Meanwhile, additional 5 fishing boats for Telegrafo Fishermen are to be distributed as soon as construction of the said bancas will be completed and another 3 coastal barrios of Tagas, Manzana and Sabang will also be given fishing boats in the next coming months.
The municipality of San Jose has 7 coastal barangays with 11.30 kilometer shorelines along the Lagonoy Gulf. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The arrival of a new patrol boat, fielding of 59 newly trained policemen and more enhanced coordination between and among its member agencies will now boost the anti-illegal fishing drive carried out by the Fishing and Marine Environment Protection (FMEP) of the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (RLECC).
In the recent meeting last week at the Philippine National Police (PNP) Bicol office here, the committee has decided that the news patrol boat will be utilized to go after illegal fishers who persist in continuing with their destructive fishing activities.
The 18 footer patrol boat, equipped with a 50 horse power engine that can run at a top speed of 20 knots, was donated and turned over by the Spanish government to the FMEP recently.
Francisco Ombao, provincial fishery officer of Albay, will man the operation of the new facility and will ensure its maximum utilization to protect the coastal waters of Bicol.
It was also agreed upon that a stronger coordination protocol will be put in place so that the other support agencies like the Philippine Navy, the Philippine Coast Guard, the Maritime Police and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) would be able to respond quickly if the need for a composite group arises.
During the same conference, Police Supt. Adelio Castillo of PNP Bicol reported that 59 policemen from the different provincial, coastal city and municipal police stations are ready for deployment to assist the committee in its renewed drive to go after illegal fishers
Castillo said these police officers underwent an orientation cum training under the Bicol regional office of Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) on the latest fishery laws and detection fish caught by blast fishing or cyanide poisoning.
The Regional Prosecution Office (RPO) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) also committed to see to it that cases filed against illegal fishers will be prosecuted to the fullest. (PIA V/Albay/mal)
Public warned anew on becoming drug couriers
LEGAZPI CITY (PIA) – The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) regional office here has reiterated the government’s call to the populace, especially among overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), not to allow them to fall prey to international drug syndicates’ modus operandi.
PDEA Bicol Regional Director Archie Alzaga Grande said that when traveling abroad, one should be extremely cautious when dealing with strangers on possible ‘padala’ or ‘salisi’ modus operandi in order not to suffer the same fate of three Filipinos convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to death in China already set tomorrow (March 30).
Grande said the agency is one with the entire country in grieving and praying for the fate of the three convicted Filipino drug traffickers Ramon Credo and Sally Villanueva, who will face their fate by lethal injection in Xiamen; and Elizabeth Batain in Shenzhen, all were found guilty of drug trafficking charges by the Fujian People’s Court and the Gunadong High People’s Court.
As the execution date already set tomorrow, PDEA Bicol reminds and urges anew OFWs to become vigilant in dealing with people as they travel abroad.
Grande furthered that drug mules, particularly overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), were forced by circumstances and lured with easy money, “but the stakes are definitely high.”
Meanwhile, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said in a statement that the increasing number of Filipino arrested as drug mules abroad, whether they were enticed, duped or recruited as (illegal) drug couriers, is alarming.
Based on DFA data, from two cases in 2003, it jumped to 689 cases as of January 2011.
Task Force on Drug Couriers, co-chaired by PDEA DFA, records show that some 689 cases were filed against Filipino drug couriers who are now in prison or facing death penalty abroad, with 431 (63 percent) female and 258 (37 percent) males.
Data also show that 79 of them are facing the death penalty in China, wherein 73 were granted with a two-year reprieve while six others, including Credo, Villanueva and Batain, with no reprieve. (MALoterte, PIA V/Albay)
Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as partners in Local Governance Training set
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) -- A one-day training for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMC's) will be held on April 28, 2011 at the Provincial Capitol Dome here.
The said activity will be attended by the eleven (11) municipal mayors and vice-mayors, Sangguniang Bayan chairman on agriculture and fisheries, Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO), Agricultural Technician for Fisheries and Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council Chairman.
The training "Strengthening Skills Development of FARMC's as Partners in Local Governance Sustainable Fisheries Resources in Catanduanes" aims to identify issues and concerns involved which hinders the active participation of a particular FARMC's to identify the necessary solution and recommend management options for specific MFARMC and to conduct orientation regarding Level of FARMC development.
FARMC in the province has been established since year 2003 but not totally functioned as what Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196 provides, of the government, to achieve sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources, attain food security and eradicate poverty among coastal and inland fishing communities and pursuant to the provisions of RA 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. (EABagadiong, PIACatanduanes/mal)
World Vision orients Sorsogon media on social mobilization on tubercolosis project
By Irma A. Guhit
Sorsogon City, March 29 (PIA) -- The World Vision (WV) hosted yesterday an orientation and press conference cum luncheon for the members of the media community here on the Social Mobilization on Tuberculosis (SMT) Project held at Villa Isabel Hotel
Sorsogon City Assistant Health Officer, Dr. Ruel Rebustillo said the activity has provided information to the members of the media community onthe global and local situation of tuberculosis incidence.
Rebustillo added that the public awareness campaign seeking the assistance of the members of the media community here is in consonance with the yearly celebration of the World TB Day awareness celebrated every March 24.
According to the report of the WV the implementation of the SMT through its Global Fund assisted project here, tuberculosis is considered a global epidemic and should be addressed collectively with the active participation of the media.
Rebustillo stressed that the global and local scenarios on tuberculosis show that the disease is the cause of deaths of about 1.6 million people each year, mostly in the third world countries.
In the Philippines 75 Filipinos die from TB everyday, making it the sixth cause of death and of sickness in the country.
The Philippines ranks ninth worldwide in TB and ranks third among western Pacific countries with highest number of TB cases as of the WV findings
According to Rebustillo, the TB facts gathered from global to local context around the world showed an 8.8 million people infected with TB each year and 2 to 3 million people die of TB every year.
According to the report given by Rebustillo based on the WV findings TB is killing the most productive members of society aged 30-59 years old and who are mostly male.
The Philippines loses around P26.4 billion income due to premature deaths from TB and an untreated TB patient can infect 10-15 people in a single year according to the report.
The WV in its thrusts to implement through the Global Fund a response to the high incidence of the TB in the Philippines is now on its second phase of implementation here.
The first phase of the SMT here was started in October 2006 to 2008 while the second phase was started last January 2009 to continue this 2011.
Based on the report given by Rebustillo, the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) case findingsin this city has a record of 95 cured TB adult patients as of last year , with 96 infiltrative and 40 cavitaries cases.
This year through sputum testing 65 are undergoing a 6-month treatment while cases of 42 infiltrative and 18 cavitaries found out through chest X-rays.
Number of children tested with PPDs summed up to 545 while 103 adults were found out to be sputum positive done through contact tracing provided by the Tuberculosis Task Force Volunteers.
Case detection rate provided by the National Epedimiology Center (NEC ) showed that in 2010 through the TB Task Force tracking, out of the 621 case- findings 96 were found out to be positive which is 19% of the referrals made by the Sorsogon City TB Task Force conducted here aside from those considered as walk ins.
Rebustillo also stressed that tuberculosis infection is brought about by the bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis which is usually transmitted through coughing from persons infected with tuberculosis and inhaled by another person.
The old belief that persons who smokes and drinks can have tuberculosis is not true while smoking and drinking can aggravate the situation of the person with tuberculosis and can cause
Symptoms of persons infected with tuberculosis include fever present every afternoon, loss of weight, loss of appetite, continuous coughing for almost two weeks, and having chest and back pains.
Rebustillo said that it is always recommended to consult the doctor or those from the barangays their health centers for easy and early detection..
Tuberculosis is curable and it is always suggested to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits which will always aid the body and will strengthen body resistance.
The World Vision City Development Officer, Leo C. Legaspi has requested the assistance of the media community here in Sorsogon to continue its partnership with non-governmental organizations in popularizing programs that will provide the public awareness like the prevention and elimination of tuberculosis.
Several members of the media community were in attendance yesterday coming from the print, broadcast, television and the event facilitated through the assistance of the PIA Sorsogon.
A project launch for the acknowledgment of 260 TB Task Force Volunteers followed at the St. Loiuse de Marillac College at 3:00 PM attended by Sorsogon City Mayor Leovic R. Dioneda and former Governor Sally Ante-Lee.
The fight of tuberculosis and HIV Aids is one of the targets of the Millennium Development Goals that falls under goal number 6. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
Sorsogon City concludes Fire Prevention Month with tree planting and blood letting
By Bennie A Recebido
Sorsogon City, (PIA) – The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) station here conducted today a tree planting activity in Abuyog Elementary School as part of the 45th observance of Fire Prevention Month this March.
“This activity is also part of the BFP’s social responsibility to help protect the environment and further shows that the BFP as one of the line agencies of the government fully supports activities as such to send message to the community that we are not only concerned about public safety but also on environmental issues as well,” said City Fire Marshal Renato Marcial.
It can be noted that on Saturday, March 26, the BFP office here had also conducted a clean-up drive in Barangay. Caricaran, Bacon District, Sorsogon City.
To culminate the Fire Prevention Month, a blood letting activity will be held at the Sorsogon City Central Fire Station tomorrow, March 30.
“Through this endeavor, the BFP aims to strengthen its relation to the public for them to develop the trust and confidence to the programs of the government,” Marcial said.
He also said that the BFP persistently appeals for the cooperation of the community in their advocacy in promoting fire safety not only during the month of March but at all times in order to ensure the safety of everyone.
The Sorsogon City Central Fire Station have also conducted within the month various activities such as motorcade, information drive, feeding, company inspection, open house visitation, Ugnayan sa Barangay and fire truck visibility. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
LGU-San Jose awards 20 fishing boats in 2 coastal barangays
By Danilo C. Abad
SAN JOSE, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- A total of 20 non-motorized fishing boats were awarded by the local government of San Jose in Partido area for two coastal barangays.
The boats coast Php5,500 each.
Dolo Fishermen and Telegrafo Fisher Folks Association, all in coastal villages of the said town, were the beneficiaries of already 10 units of bancas distributed respectively last December 4 and March 16, 2011.
Mayor Antonio B. Chavez of this town said that fishery livelihood program aims to help the fisher folks to have their own bancas knowing that fishing is their main source of income.
Chavez also said that the Pangkabuhayan Program forms part of the campaign to boost the productivity of fishing industry here and aim to alleviate the status of living of the residents in order to survive from poverty.
With the assistance from municipal government, the beneficiaries are very thankful in present leadership of the chief executive by providing and extending support to the majority of the fisher folks throughout the coastal barangays.
Meanwhile, additional 5 fishing boats for Telegrafo Fishermen are to be distributed as soon as construction of the said bancas will be completed and another 3 coastal barrios of Tagas, Manzana and Sabang will also be given fishing boats in the next coming months.
The municipality of San Jose has 7 coastal barangays with 11.30 kilometer shorelines along the Lagonoy Gulf. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Monday, March 28, 2011
PIA, PDEA spearhead info campaign against international drug syndicates
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in Bicol has since Wednesday (March 23) spearheaded a massive campaign through its radio program “Ugnayan sa Bikol” against international drug syndicates luring Filipinos to be drug couriers in exchange for money.
Relaying statements of Secretary Herminio “Sonny” Coloma of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), the series of radio programs focused on the measures instituted by the government to prevent Filipinos falling prey to the modus operandi of international drug syndicates
Coloma said in a statement read over the radio program that information dissemination is one of the most effective preventive measures the government has implemented in order for Filipinos not to be victimized by drug syndicates.
“The lack of information allows them to be victims of these drug syndicates” Coloma said.
Meanwhile, Bicol Regional Director Archie Alzaga Grande of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) said drug mules, particularly overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), were forced by circumstances and lured with easy money, “but the stakes are definitely high.”
Grande said PDEA Bicol is one with the entire country in grieving and praying for the fate of the three Filipino drug carriers sentenced to death on March 30 in China.
Convicted drug traffickers Ramon Credo and Sally Villanueva will face their fate by lethal injection in Xiamen and Elizabeth Batain in Shenzhen, all were found guilty of drug trafficking charges by the Fujian People’s Court and the Gunadong High People’s Court.
As the execution date draws near, PDEA Bicol reminds and urges OFWs to become vigilant in dealing with people as they travel abroad.
Based on records as of January 2011 of the Task Force on Drug Couriers, chaired by PDEA and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), some 689 cases were filed against Filipino drug couriers who are now in prison or facing death penalty abroad, with 431 (63 percent) female and 258 (37 percent) males.
“79 of them are acing the death penalty in China, wherein 73 were granted with a two-year reprieve while six others, including Credo, Villanueva and Batain, with no reprieve,” Grande bared.
The unprecedented increase from 2 cases in 1993 to 431 in 2011 is enough reason for the government’s, led by PDEA and DFA, intensified and relentless drive to inform and educate the populace on this concern so as not to suffer the same fate similar to others abroad.
“We call on all sectors of the society to rally with us in our quest for a drug free community,” Alzaga concluded. (PIA V/Albay; with reports from JSBuendia, PDEA V)
AECID awards livelihood projects for Legazpi barangays with best waste management practices
By Danny O. Calleja
LEGAZPI CITY, Mar 28 (PIA) – The Agencia Española Cooperacion Internacional Para El Desarollo (AECID) has awarded with cash and some P2 million worth of livelihood projects the 13 barangays of this city that were adjudged best in ecological solid waste management (ESWM) practices.
Recipients of the P50,000 cash awards each were Barangays EMs Barrio East, Bagumbayan, Centro Baybay, Gogon and Buraguis for being chosen as best five in ESWM practices. They were also given plaques of commendations.
For the livelihood project awards, Barangay Buraguis through its First Buraguis Multi-Purpose Cooperative was given a P720, 539 worth of machineries, tools and equipment for its eco-concrete hollow block production while Barangay Bagumbayan got a P385,500-worth of charcoal briquetting equipment.
Barangays EMs Barrio South and Taysan through its respective livelihood organizations received composting machineries and equipment worth a total of P381,074. Barangays Arimbay, Bitano, Bonot, Cabangan East, Cruzada, EMs Barrio East and Maoyod were recipients of high speed and ordinary sewing machines for tetrapack recycling businesses.
City Mayor Carmen Geraldine Rosal said the people that will directly benefit from the livelihood projects awarded are actually scavengers gaining in their daily lives with the garbage. They were organized by the city government into cooperatives and livelihood groups and given trainings on how to earn more decently from the garbage.
“These people are our partners in our undertakings toward the protection of the city\s environment and in our quest for a zero waste city and providing for them a better life they deserve is one very important component of this ESWM project,” she added.
For the part of the AECID, Gonzalo Serrano, its Technical Cooperation Office program officer said “we are very much satisfied with the accomplishment of the city government in the implementation of the ESWM project we have jointly established and this could not be possible without the support of the barangays that we now recognize”.
AECID was the funding agency of the P93-million modern sanitary landfill established by the city in a 1.5 hectare land at one of its outskirt barangays as the first of its kind in Bicol pursuant to Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. (LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
AECID adopts environmental program as flagship in Spain-PHL partnership
By Danny O. Calleja
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The local government administration here has impressed the Spanish government with what it has completed for the city’s P93-million solid waste management project funded through a grant from the Agencia Española Cooperacion Internacional Para El Desarollo (AECID).
“We are very satisfied and we will consider this project as the flagship of our partnership with the Philippines in promoting safe and sustainable environment. It will also be a model for other municipalities willing to have a similar facilities for treatment of waste,” according to Gonzalo Serrano, the AECID Technical Cooperation Office program officer.
Serrano was in this city over the weekend to see for himself the final touches of the works on the newly completed sanitary landfill constructed by the city government at a 1.5 hectare property in Barangay Banquerohan, an upland village some 20 kilometers from the downtown.
Works on the project took off in the middle of 2009 following the signing here in March of the same year by Spanish Ambassador Luis Arias Romero and then city mayor Noel Rosal of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) covering the P93 million or €1.6-million fund grant.
The erstwhile mayor who now works a city administrator following the lapse of his nine-year term and election last year of his wife, Geraldine as his replacement said the materials recovery facilities established by the city to cover all its 70 clustered barangays are also component of the AECID-funded project.
It is the first ecological solid waste management project in Bicol, pursuant to Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. It will benefit some 135,000 residents of the city, Rosal said.
The sanitary landfill provides two concrete cells where the non-recyclable materials and special wastes will be deposited and covered with soil, an administration building, a park and a motorpool.
Mrs. Rosal, the city mayor said that her administration is seriously enforcing a city ordinance providing for mandatory segregation of biodegradable wastes from the non-recyclable materials and penalties await those who would not comply.
She said 30 percent of all the garbage produced by households and commercial and industrial establishments in the city that is classified as residual will go to the sanitary landfill while the rest would be recycled or manufactured into compost fertilizer when the facility becomes operational by next month.
Serrano told the lady mayor that “we will invite Ambassador Romero and other high ranking Spanish officials to be here and grace the inauguration of the facility on April and I am very sure they would love to come to find out for themselves how impressive this project is”. (LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
Pili stakeholders, environmentalists contest permit to cut down Pili trees
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) - The Indigenous Crops Watch of Sorsogon (ICWOS) is contesting the issuance of permit to cut of 100 old-growth pili trees , in Barangay Cabiguhan, this city bordering the municipality of Gubat.
ICWOS head Joeris T. Olbes stated that with climate change now and the continuous rains here, trees are needed as flood control mechanisms, and pili is among those trees that prove their resistance to typhoons.
Olbes claimed that the permit was recently issued by the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO).
ICWOS stated that the cutting of such massive number of trees can hurt the biodiversity and eco-system of the surroundings that provide watershed enhancement, sanctuary to birds and act as situ-germplasm.
ICWOS lamented that it is very unusual for an agency like the CENRO to issue a massive cutting permit specially pili which is one of the best endemic trees of the Bicol region and Sorsogon.
ICWOS has already forwarded a letter to Dr. Dennis Arsenio B. Ella, scientist from the Forest Product Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) based in Los Baños in Laguna, strongly contesting the issuance of the permit and requesting an official review of the issuance of the permit.
"As one of the most authoritative voice in the pili industry, we are earnestly seeking for your crucial opinion regarding this issue" cited the letter to Ella.
CENRO, meanwhile, has stated that a certificate was issued by the City Agriculture Office here declaring these 100 trees as unproductive.
ICWOS believes otherwise, strongly adhering to the belief that these trees can still be extracted with resin, known as "Manila elemi", used as ingredient in paints and varnishes.
The resin also gives toughness and elasticity to pharmaceutical products such as plasters, and is an important material for printing inks, lithographic works and perfumery. In the country, it is used in torches to start fires for domestic use, caulk boats and dress of transmission belts and conveyors.
Although regarded as a minor forest product, the Manila elemi, rakes in dollar income for the country. It can be recalled that in 1996, 353,415 kg of material valued at US$ 947,000 was exported to France, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.
Furthermore, the regional coordinating chairman of the Yellow Armies of Kalikasan at Proteksyon (YAKAP) of Bulusan expressed the same sentiments.
"It is very alarming to cut 100 old-growth pili trees knowing that the current government's campaign is a total log ban" according to Reynaldo Fulleros, president of the Man and Nature Association Inc. (MANA) of Barangay Central, Bulusan, Sorsogon.
In Bulusan according to Fulleros, hundreds of old-growth pili trees abounds and are never cut since they have considered these pili trees as landmarks and legacy trees. These trees contribute to the biodiversity of Bulusan and are one of the best visual enhancers of the place.
ICWOS has also forwarded the same letter to the Bicol Regional Pili Board, chaired by Dr. Estela B.Orulfo and the Department of Agriculture (DA).
"Our group is now urgently requesting a personal statement from Dr. Ella and also a clearance from the DA, together with the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of Sorsogon to clarify us on the issue, guide the public on the legality of the action. We still stand united in keeping safe our environment", the IWOCS group expressed. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
First cine musical debuts in Naga City
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) -- For the first time in theatrical history, a cine musical brings to the fore a set of internationally acclaimed performers and theatre actors showcasing the very heart of every Bicolano’s devotion to our Lady of Penafrancia in a cinematic presentation dubbed as “Simon’s Way.”
“Simon’s Way”, christened as the biggest theatrical event in Bicol’s history, has in its cast the biggest stars in Philippine theater like Cocoy Laurel, Jenine Desiderio, Cris Villongco, Broadway singer Jon Joven and band vocalist Nicol Asencio, PGT Finalist Jelyn Oliva , Raymond Roldan, Bicol’s singing priests; Fr. Lou An Jarcia and Fr. Fidel Bagayawa and the internationally renowned University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) Chorale.
The presentation was also top billed by the oldest orchestras in Asia , the Manila Symphony Orchestra which is composed of around 60 musicians under the music direction of Prof. Arturo Molina.
The man behind this huge production is no less than the gifted lyricist who has already conquered the international scene as director, songwriter and composer, Mr. Freddie Dimadura.
“This cine musical came right in time when we Bicolanos were celebrating our 300 years of devotion to our Lady of Penafrancia. As a devotee myself, I feel it is just fitting that we give a loving tribute to our patroness, who deserves no less than the best gift from her devotees, “ Dimadura said in a press conference held in Naga City before the musicale’s benefit gala presentation held at the Unibersidad de Sta. Isabel (USI) from March 26-27 and at UNEP on March 28.
The Archdiocese of Caceres, who is also behind this momentous endeavor, has an equally deeper cause – to help poor parishes around the diocese to build their own revered edifice where Mama Mary’s faithful will convene and pray.
Unknown to most Catholics, the Archdiocese of Caceres is one of the highest producers of Catholic priests in the country. Each year, it produces a remarkable average of eight (8) ordinations, and most of these priests were already sent in various parts of the world, to share the good news of the Lord.
The archdiocese now boasts of 75 parishes, with half of it created during the loving stewardship of His Most Reverend Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P.,D.D.
With the proceeds from the cine musical, the see is expecting more priesthood vocations from those who are called, strong edifice to house His followers and more responsive focus on ministerial care.
“Simon’s Way”, a perfect blend of cinematic production and theatrical rendition formally wrapped up of the Tercentenary celebration of the devotion to the Lady of Penafrancia. (PIA- Camarines Sur/mal)
Women Coop leads Women’s Summit, edges on environmental protection
By Lizel S. Macatangay
BAAO, Camarines Sur , (PIA) -- The Federation of Baao Women Multi Purpose Cooperative (FBW), in coordination with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Naga Extension Office, spearheaded the 2011 Regional Summit of Women over the weekend at La Huerta, Sta. Teresita, this town.
This year’s theme: “Bicolanas Verdes: Women Greening the Bicol Environment,” also coincides with this year’s observance of the International Year of the Forest .
The one day summit was also held in congruence with the international environmental concern, specifically the rising trepidations about climate change.
Lucy Buena, FBW chairperson and the confab’s convenor, said that women can be a great and effective instrument in solving the universal crisis if they are equipped with the right information.
“They only need to acknowledge that they can play an important role in molding the society and believe that they can positively influence their own communities in managing our environment as its caretakers. They can help revive the dwindling state of our forests and create a greener environment as our legacy for the upcoming generations,” Buena said in an interview.
This year marks the 100th year celebration of the International Women’s Day, with the goal of mutually reinforcing our country’s commitment in compliance with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG).
This also means bolstering our resolve to raise the awareness on gender equality, women’s empowerment, full enjoyment of all human rights and poverty eradication.
Also highlighting its environmental campaign, the summit was strategically held at the 4-hectare La Huerta Delos Santos Farm in Sta. Teresita, Baao ,Camarines Sur to showcase various vegetation utilizing the techno demo of hybrid crops like the Diamante tomato variety. The rich flora is also composed of a mixture of food crops, ornamental and herbal plants planted all over the place.
La Huerta is now a favorite destination for Lakbay Aral partakers and is now considered as an agro-tourism destination in the province of Camarines Sur.
Buena added that women’s issues are not only confined in reproductive health concerns, rights and its clamor for equality. More so, it is about our strong adherence to save the diminishing forest covers and restore the falling state of our environment.
Under the directive of President NoyNoy Aquino in encouraging women’s participation in decision making thru active partnership with public and private organizations, the summit also runs synonymous with the MDG gender and development goal which seeks to address climate change vulnerability of women and promote their participation in disaster risk management to lessen the impact of environmental degradation.
The celebration of Women’s Month is in accordance to Presidential Proclamations Nos. 224 and 227 and Republic Act 6949. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
House Bill wants armed groups and government forces, participants to “National Sports Peace”
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) -- Ako Bicol (AKB) Party-list congressmen, together with several other party-list solon, filed a novel resolution in the House of Representatives to hold an annual sports competition dubbed as the “National Sports Peace”.
AKB Congressman Rodel M. Batocabe said this is not a conventional sports competition as the intended participants are members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and Philippine National Police (PNP).
Batocabe said the signatories of the said resolution have acknowledged the fact that sports has been proven to be an an effective tool of diplomacy as it fosters and cements international understanding and diplomacy.
“This is best exemplified by the 'ping pong diplomacy' between the United States and China, as well as the similar note-worthy foreign policy initiatives undertaken by Japan, South Korea, and Africa,” he said.
AKB Party-list congressmen, as the primary proponents of the initiative, intend to promote goodwill and advance the cause of peace in the Philippines which is still beset by internal armed conflicts.
The Philippine government should advance this innovative plan for the promotion of peace and actively engage opposing parties in a friendly sports competition as a confidence-building measure.
“This is an invaluable contribution to the peace process but its implementation is, of course, without prejudice to the existing efforts towards reconciliation undertaken by the government such as peace talks and negotiations,” Batocabe added.
The House of Representatives may engage various government agencies such as the Philippine Sports Commission and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to organize events such as athletics, triathlon, swimming, archery, cycling, basketball, volleyball, football, baseball and even shooting and other contact sports like boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts as well as indigenous games like arnis, sepak takraw and the like.
Safe conduct passes will be provided to the participants, managers, coaches, trainers, assistants, masseurs and water-boys of the teams of these warring groups. Importantly, a ceasefire shall be declared during the duration of the games.
These solons strongly suggest that the National Sports Peace be conducted annually during the Peace Month of September to commemorate the notable breakthroughs in Philippines history espoused during the National Peace Month.
Accompanying the Ako Bicol Party-List in this House measure are Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy (ANAD), Coalition of Senior Citizens in the Philippines, Inc., Ang Asosasyon Sang Mangunguma nga Bisaya – OWA Mangunguma, Inc. (AAMBIS-OWWA), 1st Consumers Alliance for Rural Energy (1-Care), Aangat Tayo, Cooperative-National Confederation of Cooperatives (COOP-NATCO), Trade Union Congress Party, Association of Philippine Electric Cooperatives (APEC), Alliance of Volunteer Educators (AVE), LPG Marketers Association (LPGMA), Ating Koop, and Kapatiran ng mga Nakakulong na Walang Sala (KAKUSA). (AKB Partylist/PIA Albay/mal)
‘Bicol Veteran’ is new Army commander of 9th ID
By Maj. Harold Magallanes Cabunoc
PILI, Camarines Sur – A veteran in Bicol’s counterinsurgency campaign now takea the reins as the commander of the Philippine Army forces in the region, a military official said.
Major General Josue Gaverza, 54, has assumed command of the 5,000 strong Army forces of the 9th Infantry Division in the whole Bicolandia Saturday, March 26.
“General Gaverza is a well-rounded officer who had served as the Battalion Commander of the 31st Infantry Battalion based in Sipocot town in CY 2000. Through his excellent combat leadership, the 31st IB scored heavily against the NPA bandits when the main rebel camp of the Bicol Regional Party Committee was seized by the soldiers of his battalion,” said Major Harold Cabunoc, spokesperson of the 9ID PA.
A father figure to his subordinates, soldiers of the 31st Infantry Battalion fondly remember him as a very caring officer.
Captain Marcial Lumanga, 35, who once served in the same battalion said that General Gaverza was still the talk among the soldiers as one of the ‘best commanders’ that they ever had.
“He is best remembered as an intelligent tactician and for his excellent managerial acumen. My soldiers can attest to the fact that he made sure that every foot soldier was provided all necessary support as they carried out their delicate missions in the field,” said Lumanga.
“Up to now, soldiers and their families still recall about Gaverza’s exceptional kindness to the soldiers. He demands strict military discipline but he ‘touches’ the hearts of the soldiers and their dependents. The unit won a Commander 2ID Streamer Award for being the Best Battalion in 2001 and it was attributed to the fact that the soldiers’ morale and welfare were properly taken cared of,” added Lumanga.
In his own revelation, Cabunoc cites his personal experiences while working with General Gaverza who once served as the Contingent Commander of the Philippine Army Shooting Team which was sent to Malaysia in 1997.
“He was a very approachable officer who inspires his subordinates. He was one of the officers who strongly supported the Army Shooting Team by providing us with brand new M16A2 Rifles and relevant shooting accessories. He was among those senior officers who really listened to our recommendations,” said Cabunoc, a former Team Leader of the Army’s elite marksmen fielded for international shooting competitions.
A native of Zarraga town in Iloilo, Gaverza was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant upon his graduation from the Philippine Military Academy in 1978.
He had served in the three largest islands of the Philippine Archipelago starting as a Platoon Leader of the 4th Infantry Division in Mindanao. He had also commanded the 303rd Infantry Brigade in the Visayas in 2008.
His sterling performance is capped by his numerous awards and citations. He is a recipient of the Gold Cross Award, the third highest combat award, for his gallantry in action under enemy fire.
He was also awarded the Distinguished Service Star for his exceptional performance in the sensitive positions that he had held in the Philippine Army.
A widower, Gaverza lost his wife in a freak accident more than a decade ago. They are blessed with three sons Joshua Alexei, 24; Jean Karl, 20, and Justine Stefan, 17.
Major General Ruperto “Raffy” Pabustan, the outgoing Division Commander, has welcomed Gaverza as his replacement.
“I am confident that he can sustain the efforts that I have started here in the region. I am thankful that the Spear Warriors (9th ID soldiers) are in good hands,” said Pabustan in a statement.
The formal change of command ceremony will be held in Camp Elias Angeles at 10:00am tomorrow, March 26 (Saturday).
Lieutenant General Arturo Ortiz, the Commanding General of the Philippine Army will preside the turn-over ceremony. (DPAO, 9ID PA/PIA Albay/mal)
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in Bicol has since Wednesday (March 23) spearheaded a massive campaign through its radio program “Ugnayan sa Bikol” against international drug syndicates luring Filipinos to be drug couriers in exchange for money.
Relaying statements of Secretary Herminio “Sonny” Coloma of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), the series of radio programs focused on the measures instituted by the government to prevent Filipinos falling prey to the modus operandi of international drug syndicates
Coloma said in a statement read over the radio program that information dissemination is one of the most effective preventive measures the government has implemented in order for Filipinos not to be victimized by drug syndicates.
“The lack of information allows them to be victims of these drug syndicates” Coloma said.
Meanwhile, Bicol Regional Director Archie Alzaga Grande of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) said drug mules, particularly overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), were forced by circumstances and lured with easy money, “but the stakes are definitely high.”
Grande said PDEA Bicol is one with the entire country in grieving and praying for the fate of the three Filipino drug carriers sentenced to death on March 30 in China.
Convicted drug traffickers Ramon Credo and Sally Villanueva will face their fate by lethal injection in Xiamen and Elizabeth Batain in Shenzhen, all were found guilty of drug trafficking charges by the Fujian People’s Court and the Gunadong High People’s Court.
As the execution date draws near, PDEA Bicol reminds and urges OFWs to become vigilant in dealing with people as they travel abroad.
Based on records as of January 2011 of the Task Force on Drug Couriers, chaired by PDEA and Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), some 689 cases were filed against Filipino drug couriers who are now in prison or facing death penalty abroad, with 431 (63 percent) female and 258 (37 percent) males.
“79 of them are acing the death penalty in China, wherein 73 were granted with a two-year reprieve while six others, including Credo, Villanueva and Batain, with no reprieve,” Grande bared.
The unprecedented increase from 2 cases in 1993 to 431 in 2011 is enough reason for the government’s, led by PDEA and DFA, intensified and relentless drive to inform and educate the populace on this concern so as not to suffer the same fate similar to others abroad.
“We call on all sectors of the society to rally with us in our quest for a drug free community,” Alzaga concluded. (PIA V/Albay; with reports from JSBuendia, PDEA V)
AECID awards livelihood projects for Legazpi barangays with best waste management practices
By Danny O. Calleja
LEGAZPI CITY, Mar 28 (PIA) – The Agencia Española Cooperacion Internacional Para El Desarollo (AECID) has awarded with cash and some P2 million worth of livelihood projects the 13 barangays of this city that were adjudged best in ecological solid waste management (ESWM) practices.
Recipients of the P50,000 cash awards each were Barangays EMs Barrio East, Bagumbayan, Centro Baybay, Gogon and Buraguis for being chosen as best five in ESWM practices. They were also given plaques of commendations.
For the livelihood project awards, Barangay Buraguis through its First Buraguis Multi-Purpose Cooperative was given a P720, 539 worth of machineries, tools and equipment for its eco-concrete hollow block production while Barangay Bagumbayan got a P385,500-worth of charcoal briquetting equipment.
Barangays EMs Barrio South and Taysan through its respective livelihood organizations received composting machineries and equipment worth a total of P381,074. Barangays Arimbay, Bitano, Bonot, Cabangan East, Cruzada, EMs Barrio East and Maoyod were recipients of high speed and ordinary sewing machines for tetrapack recycling businesses.
City Mayor Carmen Geraldine Rosal said the people that will directly benefit from the livelihood projects awarded are actually scavengers gaining in their daily lives with the garbage. They were organized by the city government into cooperatives and livelihood groups and given trainings on how to earn more decently from the garbage.
“These people are our partners in our undertakings toward the protection of the city\s environment and in our quest for a zero waste city and providing for them a better life they deserve is one very important component of this ESWM project,” she added.
For the part of the AECID, Gonzalo Serrano, its Technical Cooperation Office program officer said “we are very much satisfied with the accomplishment of the city government in the implementation of the ESWM project we have jointly established and this could not be possible without the support of the barangays that we now recognize”.
AECID was the funding agency of the P93-million modern sanitary landfill established by the city in a 1.5 hectare land at one of its outskirt barangays as the first of its kind in Bicol pursuant to Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. (LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
AECID adopts environmental program as flagship in Spain-PHL partnership
By Danny O. Calleja
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – The local government administration here has impressed the Spanish government with what it has completed for the city’s P93-million solid waste management project funded through a grant from the Agencia Española Cooperacion Internacional Para El Desarollo (AECID).
“We are very satisfied and we will consider this project as the flagship of our partnership with the Philippines in promoting safe and sustainable environment. It will also be a model for other municipalities willing to have a similar facilities for treatment of waste,” according to Gonzalo Serrano, the AECID Technical Cooperation Office program officer.
Serrano was in this city over the weekend to see for himself the final touches of the works on the newly completed sanitary landfill constructed by the city government at a 1.5 hectare property in Barangay Banquerohan, an upland village some 20 kilometers from the downtown.
Works on the project took off in the middle of 2009 following the signing here in March of the same year by Spanish Ambassador Luis Arias Romero and then city mayor Noel Rosal of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) covering the P93 million or €1.6-million fund grant.
The erstwhile mayor who now works a city administrator following the lapse of his nine-year term and election last year of his wife, Geraldine as his replacement said the materials recovery facilities established by the city to cover all its 70 clustered barangays are also component of the AECID-funded project.
It is the first ecological solid waste management project in Bicol, pursuant to Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. It will benefit some 135,000 residents of the city, Rosal said.
The sanitary landfill provides two concrete cells where the non-recyclable materials and special wastes will be deposited and covered with soil, an administration building, a park and a motorpool.
Mrs. Rosal, the city mayor said that her administration is seriously enforcing a city ordinance providing for mandatory segregation of biodegradable wastes from the non-recyclable materials and penalties await those who would not comply.
She said 30 percent of all the garbage produced by households and commercial and industrial establishments in the city that is classified as residual will go to the sanitary landfill while the rest would be recycled or manufactured into compost fertilizer when the facility becomes operational by next month.
Serrano told the lady mayor that “we will invite Ambassador Romero and other high ranking Spanish officials to be here and grace the inauguration of the facility on April and I am very sure they would love to come to find out for themselves how impressive this project is”. (LGU Legazpi City/PIA Albay/mal)
Pili stakeholders, environmentalists contest permit to cut down Pili trees
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) - The Indigenous Crops Watch of Sorsogon (ICWOS) is contesting the issuance of permit to cut of 100 old-growth pili trees , in Barangay Cabiguhan, this city bordering the municipality of Gubat.
ICWOS head Joeris T. Olbes stated that with climate change now and the continuous rains here, trees are needed as flood control mechanisms, and pili is among those trees that prove their resistance to typhoons.
Olbes claimed that the permit was recently issued by the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO).
ICWOS stated that the cutting of such massive number of trees can hurt the biodiversity and eco-system of the surroundings that provide watershed enhancement, sanctuary to birds and act as situ-germplasm.
ICWOS lamented that it is very unusual for an agency like the CENRO to issue a massive cutting permit specially pili which is one of the best endemic trees of the Bicol region and Sorsogon.
ICWOS has already forwarded a letter to Dr. Dennis Arsenio B. Ella, scientist from the Forest Product Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) based in Los Baños in Laguna, strongly contesting the issuance of the permit and requesting an official review of the issuance of the permit.
"As one of the most authoritative voice in the pili industry, we are earnestly seeking for your crucial opinion regarding this issue" cited the letter to Ella.
CENRO, meanwhile, has stated that a certificate was issued by the City Agriculture Office here declaring these 100 trees as unproductive.
ICWOS believes otherwise, strongly adhering to the belief that these trees can still be extracted with resin, known as "Manila elemi", used as ingredient in paints and varnishes.
The resin also gives toughness and elasticity to pharmaceutical products such as plasters, and is an important material for printing inks, lithographic works and perfumery. In the country, it is used in torches to start fires for domestic use, caulk boats and dress of transmission belts and conveyors.
Although regarded as a minor forest product, the Manila elemi, rakes in dollar income for the country. It can be recalled that in 1996, 353,415 kg of material valued at US$ 947,000 was exported to France, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.
Furthermore, the regional coordinating chairman of the Yellow Armies of Kalikasan at Proteksyon (YAKAP) of Bulusan expressed the same sentiments.
"It is very alarming to cut 100 old-growth pili trees knowing that the current government's campaign is a total log ban" according to Reynaldo Fulleros, president of the Man and Nature Association Inc. (MANA) of Barangay Central, Bulusan, Sorsogon.
In Bulusan according to Fulleros, hundreds of old-growth pili trees abounds and are never cut since they have considered these pili trees as landmarks and legacy trees. These trees contribute to the biodiversity of Bulusan and are one of the best visual enhancers of the place.
ICWOS has also forwarded the same letter to the Bicol Regional Pili Board, chaired by Dr. Estela B.Orulfo and the Department of Agriculture (DA).
"Our group is now urgently requesting a personal statement from Dr. Ella and also a clearance from the DA, together with the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of Sorsogon to clarify us on the issue, guide the public on the legality of the action. We still stand united in keeping safe our environment", the IWOCS group expressed. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
First cine musical debuts in Naga City
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) -- For the first time in theatrical history, a cine musical brings to the fore a set of internationally acclaimed performers and theatre actors showcasing the very heart of every Bicolano’s devotion to our Lady of Penafrancia in a cinematic presentation dubbed as “Simon’s Way.”
“Simon’s Way”, christened as the biggest theatrical event in Bicol’s history, has in its cast the biggest stars in Philippine theater like Cocoy Laurel, Jenine Desiderio, Cris Villongco, Broadway singer Jon Joven and band vocalist Nicol Asencio, PGT Finalist Jelyn Oliva , Raymond Roldan, Bicol’s singing priests; Fr. Lou An Jarcia and Fr. Fidel Bagayawa and the internationally renowned University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) Chorale.
The presentation was also top billed by the oldest orchestras in Asia , the Manila Symphony Orchestra which is composed of around 60 musicians under the music direction of Prof. Arturo Molina.
The man behind this huge production is no less than the gifted lyricist who has already conquered the international scene as director, songwriter and composer, Mr. Freddie Dimadura.
“This cine musical came right in time when we Bicolanos were celebrating our 300 years of devotion to our Lady of Penafrancia. As a devotee myself, I feel it is just fitting that we give a loving tribute to our patroness, who deserves no less than the best gift from her devotees, “ Dimadura said in a press conference held in Naga City before the musicale’s benefit gala presentation held at the Unibersidad de Sta. Isabel (USI) from March 26-27 and at UNEP on March 28.
The Archdiocese of Caceres, who is also behind this momentous endeavor, has an equally deeper cause – to help poor parishes around the diocese to build their own revered edifice where Mama Mary’s faithful will convene and pray.
Unknown to most Catholics, the Archdiocese of Caceres is one of the highest producers of Catholic priests in the country. Each year, it produces a remarkable average of eight (8) ordinations, and most of these priests were already sent in various parts of the world, to share the good news of the Lord.
The archdiocese now boasts of 75 parishes, with half of it created during the loving stewardship of His Most Reverend Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P.,D.D.
With the proceeds from the cine musical, the see is expecting more priesthood vocations from those who are called, strong edifice to house His followers and more responsive focus on ministerial care.
“Simon’s Way”, a perfect blend of cinematic production and theatrical rendition formally wrapped up of the Tercentenary celebration of the devotion to the Lady of Penafrancia. (PIA- Camarines Sur/mal)
Women Coop leads Women’s Summit, edges on environmental protection
By Lizel S. Macatangay
BAAO, Camarines Sur , (PIA) -- The Federation of Baao Women Multi Purpose Cooperative (FBW), in coordination with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) Naga Extension Office, spearheaded the 2011 Regional Summit of Women over the weekend at La Huerta, Sta. Teresita, this town.
This year’s theme: “Bicolanas Verdes: Women Greening the Bicol Environment,” also coincides with this year’s observance of the International Year of the Forest .
The one day summit was also held in congruence with the international environmental concern, specifically the rising trepidations about climate change.
Lucy Buena, FBW chairperson and the confab’s convenor, said that women can be a great and effective instrument in solving the universal crisis if they are equipped with the right information.
“They only need to acknowledge that they can play an important role in molding the society and believe that they can positively influence their own communities in managing our environment as its caretakers. They can help revive the dwindling state of our forests and create a greener environment as our legacy for the upcoming generations,” Buena said in an interview.
This year marks the 100th year celebration of the International Women’s Day, with the goal of mutually reinforcing our country’s commitment in compliance with the Millennium Development Goal (MDG).
This also means bolstering our resolve to raise the awareness on gender equality, women’s empowerment, full enjoyment of all human rights and poverty eradication.
Also highlighting its environmental campaign, the summit was strategically held at the 4-hectare La Huerta Delos Santos Farm in Sta. Teresita, Baao ,Camarines Sur to showcase various vegetation utilizing the techno demo of hybrid crops like the Diamante tomato variety. The rich flora is also composed of a mixture of food crops, ornamental and herbal plants planted all over the place.
La Huerta is now a favorite destination for Lakbay Aral partakers and is now considered as an agro-tourism destination in the province of Camarines Sur.
Buena added that women’s issues are not only confined in reproductive health concerns, rights and its clamor for equality. More so, it is about our strong adherence to save the diminishing forest covers and restore the falling state of our environment.
Under the directive of President NoyNoy Aquino in encouraging women’s participation in decision making thru active partnership with public and private organizations, the summit also runs synonymous with the MDG gender and development goal which seeks to address climate change vulnerability of women and promote their participation in disaster risk management to lessen the impact of environmental degradation.
The celebration of Women’s Month is in accordance to Presidential Proclamations Nos. 224 and 227 and Republic Act 6949. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
House Bill wants armed groups and government forces, participants to “National Sports Peace”
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) -- Ako Bicol (AKB) Party-list congressmen, together with several other party-list solon, filed a novel resolution in the House of Representatives to hold an annual sports competition dubbed as the “National Sports Peace”.
AKB Congressman Rodel M. Batocabe said this is not a conventional sports competition as the intended participants are members of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army (CPP-NPA), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and Philippine National Police (PNP).
Batocabe said the signatories of the said resolution have acknowledged the fact that sports has been proven to be an an effective tool of diplomacy as it fosters and cements international understanding and diplomacy.
“This is best exemplified by the 'ping pong diplomacy' between the United States and China, as well as the similar note-worthy foreign policy initiatives undertaken by Japan, South Korea, and Africa,” he said.
AKB Party-list congressmen, as the primary proponents of the initiative, intend to promote goodwill and advance the cause of peace in the Philippines which is still beset by internal armed conflicts.
The Philippine government should advance this innovative plan for the promotion of peace and actively engage opposing parties in a friendly sports competition as a confidence-building measure.
“This is an invaluable contribution to the peace process but its implementation is, of course, without prejudice to the existing efforts towards reconciliation undertaken by the government such as peace talks and negotiations,” Batocabe added.
The House of Representatives may engage various government agencies such as the Philippine Sports Commission and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office to organize events such as athletics, triathlon, swimming, archery, cycling, basketball, volleyball, football, baseball and even shooting and other contact sports like boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts as well as indigenous games like arnis, sepak takraw and the like.
Safe conduct passes will be provided to the participants, managers, coaches, trainers, assistants, masseurs and water-boys of the teams of these warring groups. Importantly, a ceasefire shall be declared during the duration of the games.
These solons strongly suggest that the National Sports Peace be conducted annually during the Peace Month of September to commemorate the notable breakthroughs in Philippines history espoused during the National Peace Month.
Accompanying the Ako Bicol Party-List in this House measure are Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy (ANAD), Coalition of Senior Citizens in the Philippines, Inc., Ang Asosasyon Sang Mangunguma nga Bisaya – OWA Mangunguma, Inc. (AAMBIS-OWWA), 1st Consumers Alliance for Rural Energy (1-Care), Aangat Tayo, Cooperative-National Confederation of Cooperatives (COOP-NATCO), Trade Union Congress Party, Association of Philippine Electric Cooperatives (APEC), Alliance of Volunteer Educators (AVE), LPG Marketers Association (LPGMA), Ating Koop, and Kapatiran ng mga Nakakulong na Walang Sala (KAKUSA). (AKB Partylist/PIA Albay/mal)
‘Bicol Veteran’ is new Army commander of 9th ID
By Maj. Harold Magallanes Cabunoc
PILI, Camarines Sur – A veteran in Bicol’s counterinsurgency campaign now takea the reins as the commander of the Philippine Army forces in the region, a military official said.
Major General Josue Gaverza, 54, has assumed command of the 5,000 strong Army forces of the 9th Infantry Division in the whole Bicolandia Saturday, March 26.
“General Gaverza is a well-rounded officer who had served as the Battalion Commander of the 31st Infantry Battalion based in Sipocot town in CY 2000. Through his excellent combat leadership, the 31st IB scored heavily against the NPA bandits when the main rebel camp of the Bicol Regional Party Committee was seized by the soldiers of his battalion,” said Major Harold Cabunoc, spokesperson of the 9ID PA.
A father figure to his subordinates, soldiers of the 31st Infantry Battalion fondly remember him as a very caring officer.
Captain Marcial Lumanga, 35, who once served in the same battalion said that General Gaverza was still the talk among the soldiers as one of the ‘best commanders’ that they ever had.
“He is best remembered as an intelligent tactician and for his excellent managerial acumen. My soldiers can attest to the fact that he made sure that every foot soldier was provided all necessary support as they carried out their delicate missions in the field,” said Lumanga.
“Up to now, soldiers and their families still recall about Gaverza’s exceptional kindness to the soldiers. He demands strict military discipline but he ‘touches’ the hearts of the soldiers and their dependents. The unit won a Commander 2ID Streamer Award for being the Best Battalion in 2001 and it was attributed to the fact that the soldiers’ morale and welfare were properly taken cared of,” added Lumanga.
In his own revelation, Cabunoc cites his personal experiences while working with General Gaverza who once served as the Contingent Commander of the Philippine Army Shooting Team which was sent to Malaysia in 1997.
“He was a very approachable officer who inspires his subordinates. He was one of the officers who strongly supported the Army Shooting Team by providing us with brand new M16A2 Rifles and relevant shooting accessories. He was among those senior officers who really listened to our recommendations,” said Cabunoc, a former Team Leader of the Army’s elite marksmen fielded for international shooting competitions.
A native of Zarraga town in Iloilo, Gaverza was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant upon his graduation from the Philippine Military Academy in 1978.
He had served in the three largest islands of the Philippine Archipelago starting as a Platoon Leader of the 4th Infantry Division in Mindanao. He had also commanded the 303rd Infantry Brigade in the Visayas in 2008.
His sterling performance is capped by his numerous awards and citations. He is a recipient of the Gold Cross Award, the third highest combat award, for his gallantry in action under enemy fire.
He was also awarded the Distinguished Service Star for his exceptional performance in the sensitive positions that he had held in the Philippine Army.
A widower, Gaverza lost his wife in a freak accident more than a decade ago. They are blessed with three sons Joshua Alexei, 24; Jean Karl, 20, and Justine Stefan, 17.
Major General Ruperto “Raffy” Pabustan, the outgoing Division Commander, has welcomed Gaverza as his replacement.
“I am confident that he can sustain the efforts that I have started here in the region. I am thankful that the Spear Warriors (9th ID soldiers) are in good hands,” said Pabustan in a statement.
The formal change of command ceremony will be held in Camp Elias Angeles at 10:00am tomorrow, March 26 (Saturday).
Lieutenant General Arturo Ortiz, the Commanding General of the Philippine Army will preside the turn-over ceremony. (DPAO, 9ID PA/PIA Albay/mal)

LANDBANK PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS -- Assistant Vice President and Head of LandBank Region V, Renato G. Eje (center) presented the 2010 performance Highlights and priority programs and projects of LandBank, during the media briefing at AVP Hall, Tahao Road, Legazpi City last March 24, 2011. “LandBank’s mandate of bringing growth and development in the rural areas AVP Eje said. Other photo shows (L-R) PIA Regional Dir. Eduardo A. de Leon, as moderator and AVP Legazpi Branch Zar C. Buenaobra. (Alex Cal/PIA)

RH BILL FORUM – Principal Author of RH Bill 4244, Representative 1st District of Albay Hon. Edcel C. Lagman delivers his message, and update, salient features of the Act known as the Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011, during the “Policy Forum on the RH Bill, held at La Roca Veranda, Gogon, Legazpi City, last Friday (March 25). (Alex Cal/PIA)
Friday, March 25, 2011
RH Bill will pass congress- Lagman
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY – Congressman Edcel C. Lagman of the 1st district of Albay, one of the principal authors of the controversial Responsible Parenthood-Reproductive Health (RH) Bill otherwise known as HB No. 4244, said today that he was confident that the RH Bill will be approved by congress before his 6th term as congressman ends.
He said he based his optimism on the following reasons, first, there are already more than 100 congressmen who support the passage of the Bill; second, the house leadership under speaker Sonny Belmonte is sympathetic to the measure if we based it on his record during his three term as mayor of Quezon city when he caused the passage of a local ordinance similar to the RH Bill; and third the stand of President Benigno S. Aquino III that he was pushing for responsible parenthood and for an informed choice.
The 1st district solon said that several surveys conducted by reputable polling firms, like the Social Weather Station and Polls Asia, have shown that more than 70 percent of Filipinos are in favor of the passage of the Bill even if majority of Filipinos are devout Catholics.
Lagman said that he will treat the passage of the RH Bill to be his diploma when he graduates from the fifteenth congress.
He also stressed that the RH Bill does not contain any provision legalizing abortion, on the contrary it is pro-life and will reduced by 85 percent the induced abortion reported cases which average about 800,000 cases per year because of lack of access to family planning services offered under the Bill.
Furthermore, the passage of the bill will be able to approximate the targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regarding health, maternal and child care, education, poverty, population management, and environment care.
Lagman also said that the proponents of the RH BILL are ready to be interpellated during the plenary session but so far the oppositors are trying to delay the proceedings by questioning the quorum.
Lagman and and partylist Rep. Angelo Palmones of AGHAM were here as guest speakers during the Policy Forum on Responsible Parenthood- Reproductive Health Bill held here today. (EDLeon, PIA V/Albay/mal)
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY – Congressman Edcel C. Lagman of the 1st district of Albay, one of the principal authors of the controversial Responsible Parenthood-Reproductive Health (RH) Bill otherwise known as HB No. 4244, said today that he was confident that the RH Bill will be approved by congress before his 6th term as congressman ends.
He said he based his optimism on the following reasons, first, there are already more than 100 congressmen who support the passage of the Bill; second, the house leadership under speaker Sonny Belmonte is sympathetic to the measure if we based it on his record during his three term as mayor of Quezon city when he caused the passage of a local ordinance similar to the RH Bill; and third the stand of President Benigno S. Aquino III that he was pushing for responsible parenthood and for an informed choice.
The 1st district solon said that several surveys conducted by reputable polling firms, like the Social Weather Station and Polls Asia, have shown that more than 70 percent of Filipinos are in favor of the passage of the Bill even if majority of Filipinos are devout Catholics.
Lagman said that he will treat the passage of the RH Bill to be his diploma when he graduates from the fifteenth congress.
He also stressed that the RH Bill does not contain any provision legalizing abortion, on the contrary it is pro-life and will reduced by 85 percent the induced abortion reported cases which average about 800,000 cases per year because of lack of access to family planning services offered under the Bill.
Furthermore, the passage of the bill will be able to approximate the targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regarding health, maternal and child care, education, poverty, population management, and environment care.
Lagman also said that the proponents of the RH BILL are ready to be interpellated during the plenary session but so far the oppositors are trying to delay the proceedings by questioning the quorum.
Lagman and and partylist Rep. Angelo Palmones of AGHAM were here as guest speakers during the Policy Forum on Responsible Parenthood- Reproductive Health Bill held here today. (EDLeon, PIA V/Albay/mal)
Villages in Bicol to hold general assembly on Saturday
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — More than 3,000 villages in Bicol region are set to hold the barangays general assembly in sync with some 42,000 barangays in the country on Saturday, March 26, 2011, according to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) regional office here.
Director Blandino Maceda of DILG Bicol said the assembly of barangays officials and residents is held twice annually and this year’s interfacing will focus on disaster preparedness and mitigation as contained in a directive of DILG Sec. Jesse Robredo.
Maceda said that Robredo’s directive came following the recent 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan as well as the tsunami that claimed thousands of lives and damaged multi-billion dollar worth to the highly-industrialized country.
He said that Robredo has emphasized in the directive that the barangays general assembly is a very appropriate time and venue for local officials to discuss with their constituents the level of preparedness their village has in case a major disaster happens.
“The recent incident in Japan will serve as wake-up call for the government, including the barangays, to set-up disaster prevention and mitigation mechanisms in order to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives and properties during catastrophes,” reads the Secretary’s memo/directive.
The holding of barangays general assembly complies with Presidential Proclamation No. 342 and the Local Government Code of 1991 requiring barangays governments to conduct such every first Saturday of March and third Saturday of October.
During the assembly, village officials also usually present accomplishment and financial reports to their constituents, on the other hand, the latter can raise their concerns to the former in order to improve governance and delivery of essential basic social services to the resident.
Maceda, meanwhile, has called on the public to actively participate and be heard during the assembly day. (PIA V/Albay)
RH Bill will pass congress - Lagman
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – Congressman Edcel C. Lagman of the 1st district of Albay, one of the principal authors of the controversial Responsible Parenthood-Reproductive Health (RH) Bill otherwise known as HB No. 4244, said today that he was confident that the RH Bill will be approved by congress before his 6th term as congressman ends.
He said he based his optimism on the following reasons, first, there are already more than 100 congressmen who support the passage of the Bill; second, the house leadership under speaker Sonny Belmonte is sympathetic to the measure if we based it on his record during his three term as mayor of Quezon city when he caused the passage of a local ordinance similar to the RH Bill; and third the stand of President Benigno S. Aquino III that he was pushing for responsible parenthood and for an informed choice.
The 1st district solon said that several surveys conducted by reputable polling firms, like the Social Weather Station and Polls Asia, have shown that more than 70 percent of Filipinos are in favor of the passage of the Bill even if majority of Filipinos are devout Catholics.
Lagman said that he will treat the passage of the RH Bill to be his diploma when he graduates from the fifteenth congress.
He also stressed that the RH Bill does not contain any provision legalizing abortion, on the contrary it is pro-life and will reduced by 85 percent the induced abortion reported cases which average about 800,000 cases per year because of lack of access to family planning services offered under the Bill.
Furthermore, the passage of the bill will be able to approximate the targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regarding health, maternal and child care, education, poverty, population management, and environment care.
Lagman also said that the proponents of the RH bill are ready to be interpellated during the plenary session but so far the oppositors are trying to delay the proceedings by questioning the quorum.
Lagman and and partylist Rep. Angelo Palmones of AGHAM were here as guest speakers during the Policy Forum on Responsible Parenthood- Reproductive Health Bill held here today. (EDLeon, PIA V/Albay/mal)
Measles eradication campaign in Camarines Sur kicks off
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) -- The Department of Health (DOH)-Bicol, in partnership with the Provincial Health Office in Camarines Sur, launched the commencement of its region-wide campaign to motivate parents and mobilize its partners and stakeholders in support of its measles campaign in a press conference held at the Naga Regent Hotel here yesterday.
This year’s campaign, which is already a sequel to the past three (3) measles campaigns conducted in 1988, 2004 and 2007, sets its sight on eliminating measles as a public health menace before the end of 2012.
Target beneficiaries are children whose age range from 9 months old to below eight (8) years old, the age bracket most susceptible to the occurrence of measles. In Bicol Region, DOH is targeting a total of 1, 138,201 out of the 17,044, 593 beneficiaries targeted nationwide from April 4 to May 4, 2011.
Among the provinces in the region, Camarines Sur registered the highest number of measles cases. As per partial data provided by the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, CHD-Bicol, out of the documented cases of 233 from 2006 to March 2011, Camarines Sur recorded 211 cases. It is followed by Albay, which only registered a meager number of 11; Camarines Norte and Masbate with 4 cases, Sorsogon, 3 and Catanduanes with zero measle case.
To encourage a positive turn up, DOH personnel will strategize a door-to-door immunization. A vaccination team will visit each barangay household to realize its goal of reaching 100% of its target children, especially households from the coastal outskirts and far flung barangays in the province in compliance of the nationwide measles rubella supplemental immunization activity (MR SIA).
Health administrators who will go around in each household and will use the Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccines to eligible children in support of this year’s theme: Iligtas sa Tigda ang Pinas.” (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Naguenos give “Satisfied” Ratings to Bongat and Bordado
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) ---- In a survey spearheaded by the Ateneo Social Science Research Center (ASSRC) based at the Ateneo De Naga University from February 2 to March 3, 2011 Mayor John Bongat and Vice Mayor Gabriel Bordado of this garnered a 51.7 and 57.8 per cent satisfaction ratings respectively, acquiring a total of +41.3 equivalent to a Good Net Satisfaction mark.
The 2011 First Quarter Poll on Poverty and Governance, aside from centering on the performance of the city’s local officials, also converged on other issues including public opinion on poverty and hunger, quality of life, State of the City Address and Waste to energy project.
Respondents were randomly picked from the voting age population of this city, using face to face interview and was conducted by the Ateneo Student Researchers composed of 20 students.
Some 400 respondents were asked to rate the performance of Mayor Bongat and party-mate Vice Mayor Bordado.
Also topping the performance survey among colleagues at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan is City Councilor Nathan Sergio, earning a good net satisfaction rating of +40.1 percent. Other officials had a close rating such as Sergio’s.
Only City Councilor Raul Rosales got a moderate net satisfaction rating.
The survey also considered the viewpoints of Naguenos on the issue of poverty, with 56% considering themselves as poor. Thirty percent of the respondents said they experienced hunger and had nothing to eat.
Of those who experienced hunger, 44% came from Class E, 32% from Class D and 5% from the middle class, which is Class C.
Rating their quality of life, 32.5% of Naguenos said that life has been worse in the past three months. Twenty-seven (27%) per cent though, said their life improved and became better.
The survey adopted the SWS terminology for Net Satisfaction Ratings : +50 and above as very good; +30 to +49 as good; +10 to +29 as moderate; +9 to –as neutral; -10 to -29 as poor, -30 to -49 as bad and -50 or lower as very bad. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Php 5.6 million worth of projects for core shelter in San Jose town
By Danilo C. Abad
SAN JOSE, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in Bicol region awarded the Certificate of Completion and Acceptance of a housing units worth 5.6 million pesos project to 80 beneficiaries from 4 barangays of San Jose town in Partido area, 4th district of Camarines Sur last March 14, 2011.
Mayor Antonio B. Chavez said that the LGU of San Jose purchased lots in different barangays to serve as the site and counterpart for the Core Shelter Assistance projects of national government.
Mayor Tony Chavez also said that core shelter units were already awarded and occupied by the families in barangay Tambangan, 31 units ; Bahay, 25 ; Danlog, 15 at Soledad, 9 units which are identified as core shelter beneficiaries of the municipal government.
Mrs. Helen J. Mendoza head of MSWD said that core shelter units of the 80 beneficiaries in the municipality which are worth P70,000.00 each .
Meanwhile, Regional Director Remia T. Tapispisan, assisted by MSWD Officer Helen J. Mendoza awarded the Certificate of Completion and Acceptance of said housing units built through the Core Shelter Assistance Project of the DSWD to recipient- families of San Jose .
In a statement, Tapispisan said that CSAP is a project of the Department of Social Welfare and Development aimed at providing typhoon resistant housing units to the disaster-affected families using low cost materials. She said that then agency provides the materials needed for the construction while beneficiaries shoulder the labor as their counterpart. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
DPWH directs LGUs to implement strictly PD No. 17 to ensure public safety
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY (PIA) -- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has assured the Sorsogon Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) and local residents that the agency has already issued a directive to all local government units to strictly implement Presidential Decree (PD) No 17.
DPWH Sorsogon I Administrative Officer Tax Encela said that the agency is now strictly enforcing the PD No. 17 or the Revised Philippine Highway Act as amended by virtue of DO No. 52 - Removal of Obstruction and Prohibited Uses of the Road Right of Way (ROW).
Encela said that Sec. 23 of RO 17 states that it is unlawful for any person to usurp any portion of the road right of way, to convert any part of any public highway bridge, wharf or trail to his own public use or to obstruct the same in any manner.
Here in Sorsogon, Encela said that there are a lot of persons even business establishments that violates Sec.23 of PD No. 17.
Such violation is detrimental to public safety and a lot of accidents happened due to occupancy by persons of the the road using it as extension of their business, putting up of stalls, using the street for drying palay, copra and abaca fiber, according to Encela
In his report to the PPOC, Encela said that DPWH, District Engineer Romeo Doloiras of the 1st disrict of Sorsogon has directed LGUs to immediately remove or cause the removal of all obstructions and prohibited uses within the right-of-way (ROW) of all national roads.
Engr. Doloiras, according to Encela has issued a directive to all local governments units within the first district to observe the implementation of PD 17 in a letter forwarded to them early during the first quarter of 2011.
Encela stated that all kinds of private, temporary and permanent structures, such as buildings, houses, shanties, stores, shops, shed post, canopies, billboards, signage, advertisement, fences, walls, railings, basket ball courts, garbage receptacles and the like found to be obstructing the ROW will be forcibly removed after giving them the deadline to remove such on their own.
The encroachment of the ROW is one of the causes of traffic and most accidents.
The aesthetic view and value of a certain places are no longer seen and appreciated since the ROW are crowded by a lot of obstructions.
specially by stalls of small eateries dumping their garbage beside or anywhere else within their area.
PD No17 also prohibits driveways and ramps occupying or protruding to the sidewalk.
The issuance of the directive by DPWH includes the removal of plants and plant boxes along the designated shoulder of the street sometimes occupied by these obstructions.Sometimes these are also built on the sidewalk streets..
Meanwhile , Police Senior Superintendent Eriberto Olitoquit supported the statement of Encela and said that PPOC should conduct an ocular inspection of the areas or places here in the city and all municipalities within the province to have a firsthand knowledge of these and to assess existing violations committed that is detrimental to public safety.
He further said that the implementation of the ROW should be closely monitored by the local government units and the PNP are willing to assist in its enforcement.
It had been observed that the plant boxes installed along both sides of the main thoroughfares in a lot of municipalities have made the roads narrow and most of the plants planted in the plant boxes creates visual obstruction to vehicles..
Driver cannot visibly see vehicles clearly because of the shadow created by plants planted in the middle of the roads used as the dividing line.
Plants in the middle of the road planted in plant boxes obstruct visibility of incoming vehicles.
The PPOC will create a task force that will also go around the province, dialog with local chief executives and plan an immediate implementation of PD 17. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
LGU Daet spearheads jobs fair and NBI processing
By Rosalita Base-Manlangit
DAET, Camarines Norte, (PIA) – A two day Jobs Fair and NBI Clearance processing that started yesterday was spearheaded by the local government of Daet here.
Mayor Tito Sarion said that said activity will be held quarterly to help the unemployed in the town of Daet and in nearby municipalities.
He said that those in need of job can apply in the local firms and even in other countries.
Mayor Sarion said that the local establishments here in Daet participated in the jobs fair to help those who only want to work here.
The activity was under the Public and Employment Service Office (PESO) of LGU Daet in cooperation with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Camarines Norte.
DOLE Regional Director Atty. Alvin M. Villamor said that those in need of job can visit the PESO in every municipality so that they can be guided even if there is no jobs fair.
He added that the DOLE also focus on different programs to give alternative jobs specially in the rural areas in this province and in other provinces. (PIA CamNorte/mal)
PDDRMO cites accomplishment on DRRM issues
By Edna A. Bagadiong
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) — The orientation for barangay chiefs on Disaster Risk Reduction Management issues conducted by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office yielded an over-all attendance of 79.11% in 12 separate schedules.
The orientation is a one-day activity composed of two parts namely: the discussion on the salient issues of Republic 10121 and the second part is a contingency planning workshop.
The discussion of the newly enacted law otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 0f 2010 focused mostly on the following: The DRRMO Organization at the Regional Level drawn to the hierarchal levels of the LGU's; Reorganization of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils and the (LDRRMC) and the composite members of the organizational structure at all levels of the LGU; Institutionalization of the LDRRM Office ad the creation of its manpower components, funding and other support requirement and the transformation of 5% Calamity Fund into Local DRRM Fund.
The workshop activities generates the following data and information which were significant in the context of DRR Management and Barangay Profile; Barangay's Priority Needs for Interventions; Projective Evacuation Centers; Prostructive Merchandise Partners and Families Highly at Risk and Planned Contingency Measures.
The preparation of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Plan was also discussed as well as its relationship with the Local Development Plans and the corresponding budget process of the BDRRM Fund. Sub Committees for preparedness, response, mitigation and rehabilitation were likewise suggested to guide and facilitate them in the review of consistencies of their programs, projects and activities with DRR concerns. (PIA Catanduanes/mal)
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) — More than 3,000 villages in Bicol region are set to hold the barangays general assembly in sync with some 42,000 barangays in the country on Saturday, March 26, 2011, according to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) regional office here.
Director Blandino Maceda of DILG Bicol said the assembly of barangays officials and residents is held twice annually and this year’s interfacing will focus on disaster preparedness and mitigation as contained in a directive of DILG Sec. Jesse Robredo.
Maceda said that Robredo’s directive came following the recent 8.9 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan as well as the tsunami that claimed thousands of lives and damaged multi-billion dollar worth to the highly-industrialized country.
He said that Robredo has emphasized in the directive that the barangays general assembly is a very appropriate time and venue for local officials to discuss with their constituents the level of preparedness their village has in case a major disaster happens.
“The recent incident in Japan will serve as wake-up call for the government, including the barangays, to set-up disaster prevention and mitigation mechanisms in order to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives and properties during catastrophes,” reads the Secretary’s memo/directive.
The holding of barangays general assembly complies with Presidential Proclamation No. 342 and the Local Government Code of 1991 requiring barangays governments to conduct such every first Saturday of March and third Saturday of October.
During the assembly, village officials also usually present accomplishment and financial reports to their constituents, on the other hand, the latter can raise their concerns to the former in order to improve governance and delivery of essential basic social services to the resident.
Maceda, meanwhile, has called on the public to actively participate and be heard during the assembly day. (PIA V/Albay)
RH Bill will pass congress - Lagman
By Ed de Leon
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA) – Congressman Edcel C. Lagman of the 1st district of Albay, one of the principal authors of the controversial Responsible Parenthood-Reproductive Health (RH) Bill otherwise known as HB No. 4244, said today that he was confident that the RH Bill will be approved by congress before his 6th term as congressman ends.
He said he based his optimism on the following reasons, first, there are already more than 100 congressmen who support the passage of the Bill; second, the house leadership under speaker Sonny Belmonte is sympathetic to the measure if we based it on his record during his three term as mayor of Quezon city when he caused the passage of a local ordinance similar to the RH Bill; and third the stand of President Benigno S. Aquino III that he was pushing for responsible parenthood and for an informed choice.
The 1st district solon said that several surveys conducted by reputable polling firms, like the Social Weather Station and Polls Asia, have shown that more than 70 percent of Filipinos are in favor of the passage of the Bill even if majority of Filipinos are devout Catholics.
Lagman said that he will treat the passage of the RH Bill to be his diploma when he graduates from the fifteenth congress.
He also stressed that the RH Bill does not contain any provision legalizing abortion, on the contrary it is pro-life and will reduced by 85 percent the induced abortion reported cases which average about 800,000 cases per year because of lack of access to family planning services offered under the Bill.
Furthermore, the passage of the bill will be able to approximate the targets under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) regarding health, maternal and child care, education, poverty, population management, and environment care.
Lagman also said that the proponents of the RH bill are ready to be interpellated during the plenary session but so far the oppositors are trying to delay the proceedings by questioning the quorum.
Lagman and and partylist Rep. Angelo Palmones of AGHAM were here as guest speakers during the Policy Forum on Responsible Parenthood- Reproductive Health Bill held here today. (EDLeon, PIA V/Albay/mal)
Measles eradication campaign in Camarines Sur kicks off
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) -- The Department of Health (DOH)-Bicol, in partnership with the Provincial Health Office in Camarines Sur, launched the commencement of its region-wide campaign to motivate parents and mobilize its partners and stakeholders in support of its measles campaign in a press conference held at the Naga Regent Hotel here yesterday.
This year’s campaign, which is already a sequel to the past three (3) measles campaigns conducted in 1988, 2004 and 2007, sets its sight on eliminating measles as a public health menace before the end of 2012.
Target beneficiaries are children whose age range from 9 months old to below eight (8) years old, the age bracket most susceptible to the occurrence of measles. In Bicol Region, DOH is targeting a total of 1, 138,201 out of the 17,044, 593 beneficiaries targeted nationwide from April 4 to May 4, 2011.
Among the provinces in the region, Camarines Sur registered the highest number of measles cases. As per partial data provided by the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, CHD-Bicol, out of the documented cases of 233 from 2006 to March 2011, Camarines Sur recorded 211 cases. It is followed by Albay, which only registered a meager number of 11; Camarines Norte and Masbate with 4 cases, Sorsogon, 3 and Catanduanes with zero measle case.
To encourage a positive turn up, DOH personnel will strategize a door-to-door immunization. A vaccination team will visit each barangay household to realize its goal of reaching 100% of its target children, especially households from the coastal outskirts and far flung barangays in the province in compliance of the nationwide measles rubella supplemental immunization activity (MR SIA).
Health administrators who will go around in each household and will use the Measles-Rubella (MR) vaccines to eligible children in support of this year’s theme: Iligtas sa Tigda ang Pinas.” (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Naguenos give “Satisfied” Ratings to Bongat and Bordado
By Lizel S. Macatangay
NAGA CITY, (PIA) ---- In a survey spearheaded by the Ateneo Social Science Research Center (ASSRC) based at the Ateneo De Naga University from February 2 to March 3, 2011 Mayor John Bongat and Vice Mayor Gabriel Bordado of this garnered a 51.7 and 57.8 per cent satisfaction ratings respectively, acquiring a total of +41.3 equivalent to a Good Net Satisfaction mark.
The 2011 First Quarter Poll on Poverty and Governance, aside from centering on the performance of the city’s local officials, also converged on other issues including public opinion on poverty and hunger, quality of life, State of the City Address and Waste to energy project.
Respondents were randomly picked from the voting age population of this city, using face to face interview and was conducted by the Ateneo Student Researchers composed of 20 students.
Some 400 respondents were asked to rate the performance of Mayor Bongat and party-mate Vice Mayor Bordado.
Also topping the performance survey among colleagues at the Sangguniang Panlalawigan is City Councilor Nathan Sergio, earning a good net satisfaction rating of +40.1 percent. Other officials had a close rating such as Sergio’s.
Only City Councilor Raul Rosales got a moderate net satisfaction rating.
The survey also considered the viewpoints of Naguenos on the issue of poverty, with 56% considering themselves as poor. Thirty percent of the respondents said they experienced hunger and had nothing to eat.
Of those who experienced hunger, 44% came from Class E, 32% from Class D and 5% from the middle class, which is Class C.
Rating their quality of life, 32.5% of Naguenos said that life has been worse in the past three months. Twenty-seven (27%) per cent though, said their life improved and became better.
The survey adopted the SWS terminology for Net Satisfaction Ratings : +50 and above as very good; +30 to +49 as good; +10 to +29 as moderate; +9 to –as neutral; -10 to -29 as poor, -30 to -49 as bad and -50 or lower as very bad. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Php 5.6 million worth of projects for core shelter in San Jose town
By Danilo C. Abad
SAN JOSE, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in Bicol region awarded the Certificate of Completion and Acceptance of a housing units worth 5.6 million pesos project to 80 beneficiaries from 4 barangays of San Jose town in Partido area, 4th district of Camarines Sur last March 14, 2011.
Mayor Antonio B. Chavez said that the LGU of San Jose purchased lots in different barangays to serve as the site and counterpart for the Core Shelter Assistance projects of national government.
Mayor Tony Chavez also said that core shelter units were already awarded and occupied by the families in barangay Tambangan, 31 units ; Bahay, 25 ; Danlog, 15 at Soledad, 9 units which are identified as core shelter beneficiaries of the municipal government.
Mrs. Helen J. Mendoza head of MSWD said that core shelter units of the 80 beneficiaries in the municipality which are worth P70,000.00 each .
Meanwhile, Regional Director Remia T. Tapispisan, assisted by MSWD Officer Helen J. Mendoza awarded the Certificate of Completion and Acceptance of said housing units built through the Core Shelter Assistance Project of the DSWD to recipient- families of San Jose .
In a statement, Tapispisan said that CSAP is a project of the Department of Social Welfare and Development aimed at providing typhoon resistant housing units to the disaster-affected families using low cost materials. She said that then agency provides the materials needed for the construction while beneficiaries shoulder the labor as their counterpart. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
DPWH directs LGUs to implement strictly PD No. 17 to ensure public safety
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY (PIA) -- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has assured the Sorsogon Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) and local residents that the agency has already issued a directive to all local government units to strictly implement Presidential Decree (PD) No 17.
DPWH Sorsogon I Administrative Officer Tax Encela said that the agency is now strictly enforcing the PD No. 17 or the Revised Philippine Highway Act as amended by virtue of DO No. 52 - Removal of Obstruction and Prohibited Uses of the Road Right of Way (ROW).
Encela said that Sec. 23 of RO 17 states that it is unlawful for any person to usurp any portion of the road right of way, to convert any part of any public highway bridge, wharf or trail to his own public use or to obstruct the same in any manner.
Here in Sorsogon, Encela said that there are a lot of persons even business establishments that violates Sec.23 of PD No. 17.
Such violation is detrimental to public safety and a lot of accidents happened due to occupancy by persons of the the road using it as extension of their business, putting up of stalls, using the street for drying palay, copra and abaca fiber, according to Encela
In his report to the PPOC, Encela said that DPWH, District Engineer Romeo Doloiras of the 1st disrict of Sorsogon has directed LGUs to immediately remove or cause the removal of all obstructions and prohibited uses within the right-of-way (ROW) of all national roads.
Engr. Doloiras, according to Encela has issued a directive to all local governments units within the first district to observe the implementation of PD 17 in a letter forwarded to them early during the first quarter of 2011.
Encela stated that all kinds of private, temporary and permanent structures, such as buildings, houses, shanties, stores, shops, shed post, canopies, billboards, signage, advertisement, fences, walls, railings, basket ball courts, garbage receptacles and the like found to be obstructing the ROW will be forcibly removed after giving them the deadline to remove such on their own.
The encroachment of the ROW is one of the causes of traffic and most accidents.
The aesthetic view and value of a certain places are no longer seen and appreciated since the ROW are crowded by a lot of obstructions.
specially by stalls of small eateries dumping their garbage beside or anywhere else within their area.
PD No17 also prohibits driveways and ramps occupying or protruding to the sidewalk.
The issuance of the directive by DPWH includes the removal of plants and plant boxes along the designated shoulder of the street sometimes occupied by these obstructions.Sometimes these are also built on the sidewalk streets..
Meanwhile , Police Senior Superintendent Eriberto Olitoquit supported the statement of Encela and said that PPOC should conduct an ocular inspection of the areas or places here in the city and all municipalities within the province to have a firsthand knowledge of these and to assess existing violations committed that is detrimental to public safety.
He further said that the implementation of the ROW should be closely monitored by the local government units and the PNP are willing to assist in its enforcement.
It had been observed that the plant boxes installed along both sides of the main thoroughfares in a lot of municipalities have made the roads narrow and most of the plants planted in the plant boxes creates visual obstruction to vehicles..
Driver cannot visibly see vehicles clearly because of the shadow created by plants planted in the middle of the roads used as the dividing line.
Plants in the middle of the road planted in plant boxes obstruct visibility of incoming vehicles.
The PPOC will create a task force that will also go around the province, dialog with local chief executives and plan an immediate implementation of PD 17. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
LGU Daet spearheads jobs fair and NBI processing
By Rosalita Base-Manlangit
DAET, Camarines Norte, (PIA) – A two day Jobs Fair and NBI Clearance processing that started yesterday was spearheaded by the local government of Daet here.
Mayor Tito Sarion said that said activity will be held quarterly to help the unemployed in the town of Daet and in nearby municipalities.
He said that those in need of job can apply in the local firms and even in other countries.
Mayor Sarion said that the local establishments here in Daet participated in the jobs fair to help those who only want to work here.
The activity was under the Public and Employment Service Office (PESO) of LGU Daet in cooperation with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Camarines Norte.
DOLE Regional Director Atty. Alvin M. Villamor said that those in need of job can visit the PESO in every municipality so that they can be guided even if there is no jobs fair.
He added that the DOLE also focus on different programs to give alternative jobs specially in the rural areas in this province and in other provinces. (PIA CamNorte/mal)
PDDRMO cites accomplishment on DRRM issues
By Edna A. Bagadiong
VIRAC, Catanduanes, (PIA) — The orientation for barangay chiefs on Disaster Risk Reduction Management issues conducted by the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office yielded an over-all attendance of 79.11% in 12 separate schedules.
The orientation is a one-day activity composed of two parts namely: the discussion on the salient issues of Republic 10121 and the second part is a contingency planning workshop.
The discussion of the newly enacted law otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act 0f 2010 focused mostly on the following: The DRRMO Organization at the Regional Level drawn to the hierarchal levels of the LGU's; Reorganization of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils and the (LDRRMC) and the composite members of the organizational structure at all levels of the LGU; Institutionalization of the LDRRM Office ad the creation of its manpower components, funding and other support requirement and the transformation of 5% Calamity Fund into Local DRRM Fund.
The workshop activities generates the following data and information which were significant in the context of DRR Management and Barangay Profile; Barangay's Priority Needs for Interventions; Projective Evacuation Centers; Prostructive Merchandise Partners and Families Highly at Risk and Planned Contingency Measures.
The preparation of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Plan was also discussed as well as its relationship with the Local Development Plans and the corresponding budget process of the BDRRM Fund. Sub Committees for preparedness, response, mitigation and rehabilitation were likewise suggested to guide and facilitate them in the review of consistencies of their programs, projects and activities with DRR concerns. (PIA Catanduanes/mal)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Chiz urges gov’t to tap safe and cheap sources of energy
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA )— Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero cautioned the government against pursuing proposals to revive the mothballed Bataan nuclear power plant, saying it should first focus on exploring other sources of energy that are safe and cheap.
According to Escudero in an email to PIA Bicol News Service, it is high time for government officials to seriously consider tapping natural sources of energy such as geothermal, solar and wind, which are readily available in the country.
The senator made the statement in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan brought about by a 9.0-maginitude earthquake and tsunami that completely paralyzed the nuclear power plant in Fukushima last March 11.
Even after the powerful temblor hit the highly-industrialized Japan, which heavily relies on nuclear power, some quarters are still pushing to activate the establishment of nuclear power plants in the country as an alternative source for a reliable and cheap energy.
Escudero, however, explained that any move to resurrect the Bataan nuclear power plant should take a back seat until a comprehensive study and planning had been carried out by experts.
“While the use of this technology should not be totally set aside, it is important that we should go slow, gain expertise and learn from the best practices as well as the shortcomings and mistakes of countries which rely on nuclear energy,” Escudero explained.
“The lesson from the Japan incident should not be a reason for us to totally close our doors on nuclear power, but it should serve as a tipping point to explore better practices in the course of designing and maintaining nuclear power plants,” he added.
This means that further research on the use of this technology and its safety should be done before entertaining proposals to put up nuclear power plants in the country.
“We do acknowledge the fact that we do not possess the technical capability as of yet compared to advanced countries and economies relying on nuclear power, but there are advantages that we think we’ll be able to harness from best practices should we take the path towards nuclear energy,” Escudero said. “In fact, there are no standard operating procedures that exist yet that serve as the bible of nuclear energy operations. It is still a work in progress.”
The use of nuclear energy is common in highly-developed countries, including the United States, because it is more efficient, cheaper and more affordable to concessionaires and power plants owners. (Office of Sen. Escudero/PIA Albay/mal)
DOH sets massive Measles-Rubella immunization drive
… target 95 percent or more children immunized
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY – Some 1.1 million children aged 9 months to below 8 years old in the Bicol region are targeted for vaccination on Measles-Rubella in a massive immunization drive set April 4 to May 4, this year, according to the top regional official of the Department of Health (DOH) office here.
Dr. Nestor Santiago, DOH regional director, said the agency in coordination with health offices of all local government units in Bicol will implement a month-long “door-to-door” measles immunization campaign for the 1,138, 201 children in the target age group.
Santiago said that health service providers and workers would visit households and immunize children regardless of their immunization status.
He furthered that the implementers will use the door-to-door approach to saturate all households with children of the target age group as compared to the old practice where health workers stationed in villages have to wait for the parents to submit their children for measles immunization.
This approach, according to Santiago, also targets the 18 million children across the country that would be subjected to a door to door Measles-Rubella (MR) immunization.
Santiago said he is hopeful that this approach would work effectively and attain the target of 95 percent or more in all areas of the Bicol region and the entire country as well.
“DOH Bicol intends to achieve among all barangays to pass the Rapid Coverage Assessment (RCA) with 95 percent house marking accuracy or no missed child in the immunization campaign to meet the national standards,” he said.
The immunization activity is also in support of the Millennium Development Goal which calls for the reduction by two-thirds of the mortality rate of children under the age of 5 years by 2015.
Meanwhile, health authorities in Bicol are wary over rising incidence of measles for the past five years due to the failure of local health workers to motivate parent to submit their children to the massive immunization drive to eradicate the disease.
DOH Bicol epidemiology surveillance report cited that outbreak in measles has significantly surge from 2006 to 2010 noting that last year measles cases increase six folds with 664 cases as compared to 2009 with 140 cases.
Five children died due to measles complications during the period, the record also showed.
Dr. Carla Orozco, DOH “Ligtas Tigdas” project officer, said among the Bicol provinces Camarines Sur topped the list of highest measles incidence last year with 348 cases, followed by Albay with 92; Masbate–89; Sorsogon-86; Catanduanes-28; and Camarines Norte-21.
Orozco said children ages eight years old and below once afflicted with measles and not treated at once may suffer or die of complications such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and chronic disabilities including blindness. (PIA V/Albay)
Sorsogon Bay free from red tide
By Bennie A. Recebido
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) – After barely eight months of waiting and craving for shellfishes, residents here particularly those dependent to the shellfish industry from Sorsogon Bay now have reason to celebrate following the declaration of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) that Sorsogon Bay is now free of the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP).
This means, all marine products from the said bay are now safe for human consumption and can already be harvested, transported and sold.
BFAR’s Shellfish Bulletin No. 7 dated March 21, 2011, finally remove Sorsogon Bay from the list of areas positive for red tide toxin.
Shellfih Bulletin says only Dumanquillas Bay in Zamboanga del Sur, Murcielagos Bay in Zamboanga del Norte and Misamis Occidental and the coastal waters of Bolinao and Anda in Pangasinan are positive of PSP which is beyond the regulatory limit.
It can be noted that on March 2010, Sorsogon Bay was declared negative of PSP but again recorded a high toxicity level beyond the tolerable limit of 60 microgram per 100 grams of shellfish meat in July 2010 prompting authorities to hoist anew a total shellfish ban.
Meanwhile, prior to the declaration of Sorsogon bay as free from red tide toxin, BFAR has declared ahead Juag Lagoon free of the deadly toxin on September 9, 2010 to present. The new declaration now clears all waters of the province from the threats of PSP.
BFAR in its advisory, however, maintains its call to the public in spite of the new declaration to continuously keep an eye and regularly monitor latest development and announcements on the condition of Sorsogon Bay and Juag Lagoon as well.
“The public has also to ensure their own safety by cleaning well the fishes and shellfish before cooking them well and make sure that the sea foods they are going to cook are fresh,” the advisory further says. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
Ridge runners set out to help fish sanctuary
LEGAZPI CITY—Even the drizzle brought by the wind convergence could not stop 650 runners from showing support for the Ridge Run for Reef, a run for a cause to help Bacacay, Albay’s Uson, Buang, Pongco-Bonga Fish and Marine Sanctuary last Sunday (March 20, 2011).
Kenyan runners made a clean sweep in the 21 kilometer run with the fastest male runner Phillip Rhono finishing at 1:19 while Susan Chepkwony ruled the distaff side. Local runners Mario Maglinao and Cindy Lopez routed their compatriots in the 10 K category. In the 5 K run, Marino Lagyap and Janice Carretas proved to be too swift, while 3 K runners Jeffrey Añonuevo and Gylene Almodiel darted past their rivals.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Executive Director Joselin Marcus Fragada fired the gun start for the Ridge Run 2011 and sends off several hundreds of runners and environmental advocates to their respective race routes.
“We at the DENR, thank the Albay Runners Club and Bicol University High School Batch ’86 for organizing this Ridge Run for Reef to help Uson Fish and Marine Sanctuary” Fragada said before firing the gun start.
Race director Atty. Ritche Regala said the Sunday’s run is all about having fun and helping the environment.
Part of the proceeds of the race will be donated to the Uson, Buang, Pongco-Bonga Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve in Bacacay, Albay, one of the largest marine protected areas in Bicol covering some 453 hectares. (JSSBasanta, DENR V/PIA Albay/mal)
Legarda: Telcos have vital role in disaster preparedness
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA ) — Emphasizing that communication is one of the most vital infrastructure during and immediately after disasters, Senator Loren Legarda today called on telecommunication companies (telcos) to see how they can contribute more to prepare for and lessen the impact of natural hazards.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, said that, first and foremost, telcos should check the integrity of their communication infrastructure and locations and where their broadcast towers are installed.
“It is important that telecommunication companies ensure that their cables and buildings are safe when disasters occur not only because communication is vital during and immediately after disasters, but also to ensure that their facilities would be able to withstand a 7.2 magnitude earthquake,” she explained.
The Senator noted that telcos already have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) to develop a scientific research and monitoring system to improve disaster preparedness efforts in the country.
Legarda said that aside from this project with PAGASA, the telcos might be willing to be part of the government’s information dissemination campaign.
“We appreciate the telcos’ commitment to their corporate social responsibility. And it is with that commitment that we hope they would take part in the effort to inform the public of how to prepare for and what they must do during disasters,” she said.
Legarda added that telcos can coordinate with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) for timely and accurate messages.
She also said that citizens, on the other hand, should avoid spreading invalidated or hoax messages so as not to create unnecessary worries or panic to the populace.
“One of the biggest challenges in making our country disaster-resilient is communicating risk information to the public. According to the International Union, at least 75% of Filipinos have mobile phones. We can use this area of communication to equip our citizens with the necessary information they would need to be safe against disasters,” Legarda concluded. (Office of Sen. Legarda/PIA Albay/mal)
DILG chief graces UNEP graduation ceremonies in Iriga City
IRIGA CITY, (PIA) -- “Quality Graduates, imbued with compassion for humanity”- a fitting theme for the graduating students of the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) who will soon step out of their classrooms to seek for their own niche under the sun, hopeful for the creation of a career path that will realize their dreams and embody their aspirations.
Believing in his character as a self-made man who had gained the respect of his colleagues not only in the political arena but also in other fields of endeavors as well, UNEP had chosen no less than the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, our very own, Secretary Jesse M. Robredo to be this year’s commencement speaker.
Robredo, UNEP’s 63rd year distinguished guest come April 10, 3 pm at the university’s gymnasium was chosen to share his wisdom which has catapulted Naga City as a hall of famer in its various undertakings and the acumen that brought honors and significant acknowledgment to the city’s accomplishments.
Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda, UNEP President believes that Sec. Robredo will inspire their graduates to have higher aspirations in life while emulating the good deeds that he has done to his own community.
“Being in school is not all about excelling in academic endeavors. Here at UNEP, the blueprint of real education is also measured in nurturing a considerate heart, creating a foundation of trust and confidence, molding true leaders not just with pomp but with self esteem and fostering the value of service above all things.”
Moraleda added that education is a failure if it falls short of nourishing a compassionate heart out of the university’s graduates.
Secretary Robredo, she said embodies a respectable man who have shown compassion and sought avenues to make his community a better place to live in.
“UNEP will salute another batch of students who will soon become leaders of the society that’s why we have chosen a respectable man who had earned the many honors and distinctions that he has thru hard work and perseverance to speak before our graduates.”
Robredo’s track record as a public servant is unquestionably exceptional. He was an Edward Mason Fellow and a graduate of Masters of Public Administration at John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge , Massachusetts in 1999. He is the first Filipino Mayor to receive the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service in the year 2000. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Sorsogon PHO warns public to be careful of wet season diseases
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) -- The Sorsogon Provincial Health Office (PHO) here issued a directives to municipal health officers this week and other health workers for a close monitoring of diseases during wet season
In public health awareness consultation, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Edgar Garcia , said that there is an increase of patient's admittance at the provincial hospital with heavy coughing and cases of high fever due to colds specially among children , adults and old people.
He said that due to the long spell of the wet season, a lot of people are suffering from colds , coughing and that he has warned people to if possible always wear thick clothing, carry an umbrella or protection from rain ,drink a lot of water and also vitamin C intake should be done.
People should be very careful also of wading in water in the streets or from small ponds and flooded areas as this might be contaminated by the urine of rats and contamination to such ,one may be affected by leptospirosis, Garcia explained.
He said rats usually swim in water to go to high places and in that instance might have contaminated the water by their feces or excretion.
Garcia also said people should also consider their diet in this kind of weather.
"During rainy season people become sluggard and usually have kept themselves staying indoors too long either watching television, munching some finger foods. These then might create an added food intake everyday so one will be gaining weight without noticing it. We have to watch our habits too during rainy seasons as his may lead to gaining weight more", Garcia explained.
The wet season also tends to put a person in a sedentary life because seldom that the weather allows people to walk. During this season people will always tend to ride, stay indoors work too long on computers and sometimes does not perspire anymore, according to Garcia
Other wet season diseases are diarrhea, pneumonia, loose vowel movement and the more harmful is dengue that is really quite alarming.
Mosquitoes tend to breed more because of the presence of water everywhere. It is also recommended to check regularly one's surrounding as if there are empty containers, receptacles and plants that are breeding places of mosquitoes, chances are mosquito bites, though might not lead to dengue will also cause skin irritation and rashes.
He reminded everyone to be more careful and aware of any change in what they feel and consult a doctor at earliest possible time when one observes some imbalances in one's condition. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
CamSur Triathletes wows Zambales folks
By Lizel S. Macatangay
PILI, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- Adding to the long list of their triumphant feats was another recognition for the Camarines Sur triathletes after occupying a winner’s slot in the recently concluded Black Sands Triathlon held at Dawal Beach Resort in Zambales on March 20.
Bicolano triathlon athletes Benjamin Rana, Mark Anthony Hosana and Philip Atento’s skills and endurance were tested in the combination of various physical and strenuous events which included a half-kilometer swin , 50kms biking stint and a 12-km meter run. Hosana, 19-year old, bagged the first prize under his age bracket while Atento hugged the second place under the age 30-39 age category.
Yet after the over all ranking was formally announced, Rana was declared 3rd placer while Hosana and Atento garnered the 5th and 6th place respectively.
The trio was part of the Camarines Sur Tri-Team organized by Camarines Sur Governor Luis Raymund Villafuerte to promote various athletic endeavours in the province in line with the promotion of Camarines Sur as the ultimate sports hub in the country.
The triathlon event was part of the numerous competitions organized in line with the celebration of Zamba Multi Sports Festival 2011. The jampacked sports event started off with an 120-km cycling race from Uacon to Zambales’ capital in Iba. Other activities include the Black Sands Ultimate Frisbee, Dawal Open Water Swim, Potipot Duathlon, Over the top wall climbing competition and the Black Sands triathlon where our Bicolano competitors.
The trainings and participation in various competitions of Bicolano triathletes is part of Villafuerte’s preparation for the upcoming Ironman 70.3 Triathlon, which will have its third sequel in Camarines Sur comes August 2011. The event will be held again at the spacious Camarines Sur Water Sports Complex (CWC) inside the Camarines Sur provincial capitol compound.
Triathlon is an athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three (3) successive events. It usually involves long distance swimming, running and biking. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA )— Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero cautioned the government against pursuing proposals to revive the mothballed Bataan nuclear power plant, saying it should first focus on exploring other sources of energy that are safe and cheap.
According to Escudero in an email to PIA Bicol News Service, it is high time for government officials to seriously consider tapping natural sources of energy such as geothermal, solar and wind, which are readily available in the country.
The senator made the statement in the wake of the nuclear crisis in Japan brought about by a 9.0-maginitude earthquake and tsunami that completely paralyzed the nuclear power plant in Fukushima last March 11.
Even after the powerful temblor hit the highly-industrialized Japan, which heavily relies on nuclear power, some quarters are still pushing to activate the establishment of nuclear power plants in the country as an alternative source for a reliable and cheap energy.
Escudero, however, explained that any move to resurrect the Bataan nuclear power plant should take a back seat until a comprehensive study and planning had been carried out by experts.
“While the use of this technology should not be totally set aside, it is important that we should go slow, gain expertise and learn from the best practices as well as the shortcomings and mistakes of countries which rely on nuclear energy,” Escudero explained.
“The lesson from the Japan incident should not be a reason for us to totally close our doors on nuclear power, but it should serve as a tipping point to explore better practices in the course of designing and maintaining nuclear power plants,” he added.
This means that further research on the use of this technology and its safety should be done before entertaining proposals to put up nuclear power plants in the country.
“We do acknowledge the fact that we do not possess the technical capability as of yet compared to advanced countries and economies relying on nuclear power, but there are advantages that we think we’ll be able to harness from best practices should we take the path towards nuclear energy,” Escudero said. “In fact, there are no standard operating procedures that exist yet that serve as the bible of nuclear energy operations. It is still a work in progress.”
The use of nuclear energy is common in highly-developed countries, including the United States, because it is more efficient, cheaper and more affordable to concessionaires and power plants owners. (Office of Sen. Escudero/PIA Albay/mal)
DOH sets massive Measles-Rubella immunization drive
… target 95 percent or more children immunized
By Marlon A. Loterte
LEGAZPI CITY – Some 1.1 million children aged 9 months to below 8 years old in the Bicol region are targeted for vaccination on Measles-Rubella in a massive immunization drive set April 4 to May 4, this year, according to the top regional official of the Department of Health (DOH) office here.
Dr. Nestor Santiago, DOH regional director, said the agency in coordination with health offices of all local government units in Bicol will implement a month-long “door-to-door” measles immunization campaign for the 1,138, 201 children in the target age group.
Santiago said that health service providers and workers would visit households and immunize children regardless of their immunization status.
He furthered that the implementers will use the door-to-door approach to saturate all households with children of the target age group as compared to the old practice where health workers stationed in villages have to wait for the parents to submit their children for measles immunization.
This approach, according to Santiago, also targets the 18 million children across the country that would be subjected to a door to door Measles-Rubella (MR) immunization.
Santiago said he is hopeful that this approach would work effectively and attain the target of 95 percent or more in all areas of the Bicol region and the entire country as well.
“DOH Bicol intends to achieve among all barangays to pass the Rapid Coverage Assessment (RCA) with 95 percent house marking accuracy or no missed child in the immunization campaign to meet the national standards,” he said.
The immunization activity is also in support of the Millennium Development Goal which calls for the reduction by two-thirds of the mortality rate of children under the age of 5 years by 2015.
Meanwhile, health authorities in Bicol are wary over rising incidence of measles for the past five years due to the failure of local health workers to motivate parent to submit their children to the massive immunization drive to eradicate the disease.
DOH Bicol epidemiology surveillance report cited that outbreak in measles has significantly surge from 2006 to 2010 noting that last year measles cases increase six folds with 664 cases as compared to 2009 with 140 cases.
Five children died due to measles complications during the period, the record also showed.
Dr. Carla Orozco, DOH “Ligtas Tigdas” project officer, said among the Bicol provinces Camarines Sur topped the list of highest measles incidence last year with 348 cases, followed by Albay with 92; Masbate–89; Sorsogon-86; Catanduanes-28; and Camarines Norte-21.
Orozco said children ages eight years old and below once afflicted with measles and not treated at once may suffer or die of complications such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and chronic disabilities including blindness. (PIA V/Albay)
Sorsogon Bay free from red tide
By Bennie A. Recebido
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) – After barely eight months of waiting and craving for shellfishes, residents here particularly those dependent to the shellfish industry from Sorsogon Bay now have reason to celebrate following the declaration of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) that Sorsogon Bay is now free of the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP).
This means, all marine products from the said bay are now safe for human consumption and can already be harvested, transported and sold.
BFAR’s Shellfish Bulletin No. 7 dated March 21, 2011, finally remove Sorsogon Bay from the list of areas positive for red tide toxin.
Shellfih Bulletin says only Dumanquillas Bay in Zamboanga del Sur, Murcielagos Bay in Zamboanga del Norte and Misamis Occidental and the coastal waters of Bolinao and Anda in Pangasinan are positive of PSP which is beyond the regulatory limit.
It can be noted that on March 2010, Sorsogon Bay was declared negative of PSP but again recorded a high toxicity level beyond the tolerable limit of 60 microgram per 100 grams of shellfish meat in July 2010 prompting authorities to hoist anew a total shellfish ban.
Meanwhile, prior to the declaration of Sorsogon bay as free from red tide toxin, BFAR has declared ahead Juag Lagoon free of the deadly toxin on September 9, 2010 to present. The new declaration now clears all waters of the province from the threats of PSP.
BFAR in its advisory, however, maintains its call to the public in spite of the new declaration to continuously keep an eye and regularly monitor latest development and announcements on the condition of Sorsogon Bay and Juag Lagoon as well.
“The public has also to ensure their own safety by cleaning well the fishes and shellfish before cooking them well and make sure that the sea foods they are going to cook are fresh,” the advisory further says. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
Ridge runners set out to help fish sanctuary
LEGAZPI CITY—Even the drizzle brought by the wind convergence could not stop 650 runners from showing support for the Ridge Run for Reef, a run for a cause to help Bacacay, Albay’s Uson, Buang, Pongco-Bonga Fish and Marine Sanctuary last Sunday (March 20, 2011).
Kenyan runners made a clean sweep in the 21 kilometer run with the fastest male runner Phillip Rhono finishing at 1:19 while Susan Chepkwony ruled the distaff side. Local runners Mario Maglinao and Cindy Lopez routed their compatriots in the 10 K category. In the 5 K run, Marino Lagyap and Janice Carretas proved to be too swift, while 3 K runners Jeffrey Añonuevo and Gylene Almodiel darted past their rivals.
Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Executive Director Joselin Marcus Fragada fired the gun start for the Ridge Run 2011 and sends off several hundreds of runners and environmental advocates to their respective race routes.
“We at the DENR, thank the Albay Runners Club and Bicol University High School Batch ’86 for organizing this Ridge Run for Reef to help Uson Fish and Marine Sanctuary” Fragada said before firing the gun start.
Race director Atty. Ritche Regala said the Sunday’s run is all about having fun and helping the environment.
Part of the proceeds of the race will be donated to the Uson, Buang, Pongco-Bonga Fish Sanctuary and Marine Reserve in Bacacay, Albay, one of the largest marine protected areas in Bicol covering some 453 hectares. (JSSBasanta, DENR V/PIA Albay/mal)
Legarda: Telcos have vital role in disaster preparedness
LEGAZPI CITY, (PIA ) — Emphasizing that communication is one of the most vital infrastructure during and immediately after disasters, Senator Loren Legarda today called on telecommunication companies (telcos) to see how they can contribute more to prepare for and lessen the impact of natural hazards.
Legarda, Chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, said that, first and foremost, telcos should check the integrity of their communication infrastructure and locations and where their broadcast towers are installed.
“It is important that telecommunication companies ensure that their cables and buildings are safe when disasters occur not only because communication is vital during and immediately after disasters, but also to ensure that their facilities would be able to withstand a 7.2 magnitude earthquake,” she explained.
The Senator noted that telcos already have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) to develop a scientific research and monitoring system to improve disaster preparedness efforts in the country.
Legarda said that aside from this project with PAGASA, the telcos might be willing to be part of the government’s information dissemination campaign.
“We appreciate the telcos’ commitment to their corporate social responsibility. And it is with that commitment that we hope they would take part in the effort to inform the public of how to prepare for and what they must do during disasters,” she said.
Legarda added that telcos can coordinate with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) for timely and accurate messages.
She also said that citizens, on the other hand, should avoid spreading invalidated or hoax messages so as not to create unnecessary worries or panic to the populace.
“One of the biggest challenges in making our country disaster-resilient is communicating risk information to the public. According to the International Union, at least 75% of Filipinos have mobile phones. We can use this area of communication to equip our citizens with the necessary information they would need to be safe against disasters,” Legarda concluded. (Office of Sen. Legarda/PIA Albay/mal)
DILG chief graces UNEP graduation ceremonies in Iriga City
IRIGA CITY, (PIA) -- “Quality Graduates, imbued with compassion for humanity”- a fitting theme for the graduating students of the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) who will soon step out of their classrooms to seek for their own niche under the sun, hopeful for the creation of a career path that will realize their dreams and embody their aspirations.
Believing in his character as a self-made man who had gained the respect of his colleagues not only in the political arena but also in other fields of endeavors as well, UNEP had chosen no less than the Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, our very own, Secretary Jesse M. Robredo to be this year’s commencement speaker.
Robredo, UNEP’s 63rd year distinguished guest come April 10, 3 pm at the university’s gymnasium was chosen to share his wisdom which has catapulted Naga City as a hall of famer in its various undertakings and the acumen that brought honors and significant acknowledgment to the city’s accomplishments.
Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda, UNEP President believes that Sec. Robredo will inspire their graduates to have higher aspirations in life while emulating the good deeds that he has done to his own community.
“Being in school is not all about excelling in academic endeavors. Here at UNEP, the blueprint of real education is also measured in nurturing a considerate heart, creating a foundation of trust and confidence, molding true leaders not just with pomp but with self esteem and fostering the value of service above all things.”
Moraleda added that education is a failure if it falls short of nourishing a compassionate heart out of the university’s graduates.
Secretary Robredo, she said embodies a respectable man who have shown compassion and sought avenues to make his community a better place to live in.
“UNEP will salute another batch of students who will soon become leaders of the society that’s why we have chosen a respectable man who had earned the many honors and distinctions that he has thru hard work and perseverance to speak before our graduates.”
Robredo’s track record as a public servant is unquestionably exceptional. He was an Edward Mason Fellow and a graduate of Masters of Public Administration at John F. Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge , Massachusetts in 1999. He is the first Filipino Mayor to receive the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Government Service in the year 2000. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
Sorsogon PHO warns public to be careful of wet season diseases
By Irma A. Guhit
SORSOGON CITY, (PIA) -- The Sorsogon Provincial Health Office (PHO) here issued a directives to municipal health officers this week and other health workers for a close monitoring of diseases during wet season
In public health awareness consultation, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Edgar Garcia , said that there is an increase of patient's admittance at the provincial hospital with heavy coughing and cases of high fever due to colds specially among children , adults and old people.
He said that due to the long spell of the wet season, a lot of people are suffering from colds , coughing and that he has warned people to if possible always wear thick clothing, carry an umbrella or protection from rain ,drink a lot of water and also vitamin C intake should be done.
People should be very careful also of wading in water in the streets or from small ponds and flooded areas as this might be contaminated by the urine of rats and contamination to such ,one may be affected by leptospirosis, Garcia explained.
He said rats usually swim in water to go to high places and in that instance might have contaminated the water by their feces or excretion.
Garcia also said people should also consider their diet in this kind of weather.
"During rainy season people become sluggard and usually have kept themselves staying indoors too long either watching television, munching some finger foods. These then might create an added food intake everyday so one will be gaining weight without noticing it. We have to watch our habits too during rainy seasons as his may lead to gaining weight more", Garcia explained.
The wet season also tends to put a person in a sedentary life because seldom that the weather allows people to walk. During this season people will always tend to ride, stay indoors work too long on computers and sometimes does not perspire anymore, according to Garcia
Other wet season diseases are diarrhea, pneumonia, loose vowel movement and the more harmful is dengue that is really quite alarming.
Mosquitoes tend to breed more because of the presence of water everywhere. It is also recommended to check regularly one's surrounding as if there are empty containers, receptacles and plants that are breeding places of mosquitoes, chances are mosquito bites, though might not lead to dengue will also cause skin irritation and rashes.
He reminded everyone to be more careful and aware of any change in what they feel and consult a doctor at earliest possible time when one observes some imbalances in one's condition. (PIA Sorsogon/mal)
CamSur Triathletes wows Zambales folks
By Lizel S. Macatangay
PILI, Camarines Sur, (PIA) -- Adding to the long list of their triumphant feats was another recognition for the Camarines Sur triathletes after occupying a winner’s slot in the recently concluded Black Sands Triathlon held at Dawal Beach Resort in Zambales on March 20.
Bicolano triathlon athletes Benjamin Rana, Mark Anthony Hosana and Philip Atento’s skills and endurance were tested in the combination of various physical and strenuous events which included a half-kilometer swin , 50kms biking stint and a 12-km meter run. Hosana, 19-year old, bagged the first prize under his age bracket while Atento hugged the second place under the age 30-39 age category.
Yet after the over all ranking was formally announced, Rana was declared 3rd placer while Hosana and Atento garnered the 5th and 6th place respectively.
The trio was part of the Camarines Sur Tri-Team organized by Camarines Sur Governor Luis Raymund Villafuerte to promote various athletic endeavours in the province in line with the promotion of Camarines Sur as the ultimate sports hub in the country.
The triathlon event was part of the numerous competitions organized in line with the celebration of Zamba Multi Sports Festival 2011. The jampacked sports event started off with an 120-km cycling race from Uacon to Zambales’ capital in Iba. Other activities include the Black Sands Ultimate Frisbee, Dawal Open Water Swim, Potipot Duathlon, Over the top wall climbing competition and the Black Sands triathlon where our Bicolano competitors.
The trainings and participation in various competitions of Bicolano triathletes is part of Villafuerte’s preparation for the upcoming Ironman 70.3 Triathlon, which will have its third sequel in Camarines Sur comes August 2011. The event will be held again at the spacious Camarines Sur Water Sports Complex (CWC) inside the Camarines Sur provincial capitol compound.
Triathlon is an athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three (3) successive events. It usually involves long distance swimming, running and biking. (PIA Camarines Sur/mal)
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