
Official Publication of the Philippine Information Agency Bicol Regional Office, in cooperation with the RIAC-REDIRAS - RDC Bicol

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Press Conference on Universal Health Care (UHC) with the Secretary of Health Enrique T. Ona (center) last Friday, June 17, 2011 at St. Ellis Hotel, Legazpi City. The activity is part of the UHC Conference for Southern Luzon, which aims to discuss the local health situation for implementing UHC. Discussion from the print and broadcast media focused on Pres. Aquino’s Health agenda, supply of medicines, health facilities, health financing and PhilHealth coverage. Other photo shows (L-R) OIC Asec. Enrique A. Tayag and DOH-CHD Bicol Dir. Nestor Santiago, Jr. (Alex Cal/PIA)

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